You see I prefer my trash cans not look like Swiss cheese, rather all one piece, you know solid plastic all over. lol lol
All I have to say is we really must throw away some good stuff?? Because we cannot keep the squirrels away from them!! They've not only eaten the lids but through the sides of the cans as well!! I hate to keep buying them only to find them destroyed in no time at all!!
So have you had a squirrel problem? Or any advice as to how to keep them out. How do I keep them from wanting to get to my trash?? Really it's juts two of them....How Do I know, you ask? Oh I can tell by their bulging bellies!!
Thanks for any help!!
Lots more Works For Me Wednesday posts can be see over at We Are THAT Family.
I am shocked at all the squirrel problems today! I would ask your neighbors. They must have the same problem. Or what about your local plant nursery, they must have some remedies. That would make me crazy!!
I have seen on MANY blogs people do not like to use their real family names. What am I not getting? I talk about my kids, my friends, my family, their friends. I state their names with happiness and joy. Why shouldn't I do that?
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You might try metal trash cans. Hopefully the critters can't chew through that:)
Happy W4FMW!
Linda C
Well, I've heard that you can mix a solution of ammonia and water and spray it all over the bags. That's what my grandma used to do, but obviously if you have kids/pets it might be a problem! I don't know if maybe dousing it with vinegar would work too?
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Is it possible to switch to a metal garbage can?
My mom used to spray ammonia in the bottom of the cans. Kept the critters and domestic animals away.
Good luck.
We keep our cans in the garage, so they don't blow away.
But maybe if you have to keep them outside, you can build a wall around them and put a lid on it like a mini shed or something for the cans so the squirrels can't get in.
Well, my personal solution is to not HAVE an outdoor trashcan. Click on my name to learn more about that.
That type of plastic is degraded by sunlight, so if your trashcans normally stand in the sun, that's making them more brittle and easier for the squirrels to damage. Keeping them in the sun also makes them smell worse by creating a nice warm environment for bacteria. So put them in the shade...and good luck with the squirrel repellent!
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