Monday, May 11

Great Fun 4 Little Racing Fans!!

We arrived home the other day and there was a package at our front door courtesy of Lionsgate....Little Man asked to open it up once inside and he was so surprised when he saw a Speed Racer The Next Generation: Comet Run The Movie DVD inside. Actually he was elated!! Little Man and race cars...they have an incredible bond!! After eating lunch he asked if he could skip his nap, and instead watch the new Speed Racer movie. How could I say "no".......he was so pumped!!!

So we opened it up....Oh and I must not forget to tell how he grabbed the little Mach 6 replica toy car immediately out of the package(An added bonus that comes with the movie) !! He just loves racing on the floor as he sees it happening in the movie!! All the more fun, right?

Speed Racer The Next Generation: Comet Run the Movie is the 3rd one from the series The Next Generation. It's an action packed movie about Speed and his buddies trying to win the entire company of trillionaire Dickie Radford. They end up taking part in a 3-day race full of adventure, speed, and face several challenges along the way!! Can Speed and his team win?? Do they have what it takes to compete against in the toughest competitor they have ever raced??
My Little Man loved this movie!!! As he did with all Speed Racer movies he has seen in the past!! It's full of fun, adventure, and action.....all what my little boy loves to keep him entertained!!! It is definitely a winner in his eyes!! In fact, he has watched it twice already!!

Speed Racer The Next Generation: Comet Run the Movie is being released tomorrow, and looks to be a great deal at around only $10 . Walmart has it here for $9.96 and Amazon has it here for $9.99.

From one race boys Mom to another....

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