Friday, October 31
Babies R Us....One Day Sale!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:22 PM
Labels: Sales
Walmart Run!!
Spent just a little over $11.50 00p. All in all a great trip...The trips under $20 are always good...especially for my wallet!! LOL

Posted by
Miss Mommy
12:34 PM
Labels: Grocery
Reader Tip!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
6:12 AM
Labels: Deals
Thursday, October 30
I Have A Question???
Hubby bought me a nice pair of earrings about 3 weeks ago for our Wedding Anniversary. Since they have been in my ear for 3 weeks now, I figure that they are about due to be clean soon. So here is my question.....what do I use to clean them?? I know back in the day when I wore my wedding ring (I have since then found out I am allergic to gold...that would explain all the redness and bumps on my fingers for years!!) I used to place it in a jewelry solution that the jeweler had given us with the purchase. Do they still sell the tubs with solution in it...or is there a better way to clean nice jewelry??
Thanks for any help!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:01 PM
Labels: Tips
Have You Started Yet???

Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:10 AM
Labels: Shopping
Just in Time For Halloween......
Posted by
Miss Mommy
6:39 AM
Labels: Freebies
Wednesday, October 29
It's Been A Year!!!
It was my sister who suggested....well, actually begged me to start a blog a year ago. She thought it would be cool for us to blog together about this and that relating to our daily lives with the kiddies, deals we find from day to day...and anything we feel like chatting about. I have always been a "Deal Seeker" as you will. Thanks to no other than my Mom!! She always was very frugal whenever she could be....and showed us from a young age how to shop smart!!
I really do owe all I know to My Mom....Thanks Mom!! For everything you have taught me over the years!!! Just in case I have not told you already!! I can so precisely remember back in high school when I got my second job as a waitress. I was paid in tips plus an hourly rate of $2.15 an hour in the form of a check. I would get a paycheck bi-weekly. My mom thought it would be a marvelous idea to take my paychecks and half of my tips each time I worked and place them in a savings account in my name for safe keeping for the future.
I remember telling my co-workers, friends, etc. all about how I thought my Mom was so mean for making me do this over the years. I must admit now looking back I was making a good amount of money waitressing.....way more than than the $5.15 minimum wage my other friends were making at their high school jobs. And it took me until I moved out on my own many years later, to understand what my mom was really trying to teach me...Just how important and disciplined you have to be to save money!!!
After having kiddies I began to realize even more just how expensive living and raising a family can be in today's society. But, by saving, shopping smart, and using coupons.....We are doing it on just one income!!! It is possible to live a great life if you are willing to put a little work into it!! For's just like a game....I love to see just how much I can save off of the regular price!! It's like a thrill...a rush!!! It's just an awesome feeling!!!
By starting and sticking with this blog over the past year...I have learned so very much!! I have learned that there are many others in the same shoes as we are. I just love to pass on deals and tips that I find in hopes that maybe someone can also usethat item at a great price too!! I also love to tell all about fun times our family has throughout the year as well. It's family that is the most important!! And remember it does not have to cost a lot to have a great family fun day together!!!
So here is a thanks to you for coming by over the past year, few months, or weeks....It's great to have you here!! And I appreciate your comments, thoughts, and tips you have left or will leave for me in the future!! I love to hear from readers...another thrill for me...LOL LOL
And here is to my sister.....Thanks to her for the push to get this blog rolling a year ago!! I miss not seeing you post daily like in the beginning...but I know you are reading and I love you!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:39 PM
Labels: Blog Anniversary
The Pirate, Optimus Prime, Burgler & Hippee....
Posted by
Miss Mommy
12:44 PM
Labels: Wordless Wednesday
My Reusable Bags....
A few months ago Shop Rite had a in-store circular coupon for Reusable Shopping Bags. The coupon price was 4 bags for $1.98, instead of the regular price of 99 Cents each. So that week I used the coupon and purchased my 4 bright red reusable least they have a few flowers on the font to make them a bit less vibrant.....LOL LOL
By purchasing the reusable bags I would now get 5 cents back for every reusable bag I use to bag my groceries in each week....less eliminating the need for plastic bags. I was a bit hesitant to purchase the bags for a long we use the plastic bags from the grocery stores, CVS, Walmart, etc. for number of things around the house...bathroom trash can liners, for hubby's lunch each day, to carry things to different places, etc. But at 50 cents a bag...How could I pass up the deal?? Plus, I would be helping the environment out too!!
Man, am I so glad that I bought them!!! I love them!! I just cannot believe the amount of groceries you can fit in each bag...not to mention just how strong they are!! The quality is just superb!! No more broken handles while carrying 2 gallons of milk from the car to the front door!! Yeah!!
I have had the bags now for about 2 months or so. Each week I earn 5 cents for each bag times 8 weeks I had I have almost fully paid off my purchase (2 weeks to go!!). Plus now I have reusable bags for trips to Aldi's when I get a chance to go!!
Be sure to check out lots more Works For Me Wednesday's here!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
6:40 AM
Labels: Works For Me Wednesday
Tuesday, October 28
Free Activia 4-Pack!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
6:13 PM
Labels: Contests
Getting Ready For Winter.....
As sad as I am to see the summer's already time to start thinking about next summer already. So today's tackle is all about getting the yard ready for the blooms and sprouting that will begin next spring. I absolutely love my ornamental grasses in my backyard...and the beautiful changing colors I get to look out to each and every day all spring, summer and fall!!!
This time of year is a great time to cut down the falling grasses in order for the fastest growth next spring. So here are a few of the grasses I cut......
As sad as I am to see the beautiful colors of my grass go...I look so very forward to the sprouting I will see in early spring...just a few months away!!!
Be sure to check out what others are tackling this week over at 5 Minutes for Mom!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
12:44 PM
Labels: Tackle It Tuesday
Playskool Deal!!!
If you have a little one in do not want to miss out on the deal this week on Playskool Baby Products!!! I have used Playskool in the past and they are just like a premium name brand leaks, great stretchy tabs and a great deal on sale!!
The deal CVS is running this week on Playskool Baby Products in spend $20 on Playskool diapers, wipes(160 count), or on baby accessories.....(cups, spoons, plates, pacifiers, toys, etc.) and you get back $5 in ExtraBucks!!! (Limit 1 offer)
The great news in that there was a $2.00 off coupon for any Playskool product in this past Sunday's coupon inserts. So if you can get your hands on a few of these coupons you can really make out cheap!!!
Here is how I did the Playskool deal this week:
I purchased:
3 packs of wipes $3.99 x 3= 11.97
1 Pack of Diapers $10.99
= $22.96
I used the following coupons:
-1- $2.00 off coupon mentioned above
-2- $2.00/1 Playskool Baby Wipes **These had printed at the bottom of my last 2 CVS receipts.
-1- $1.00/1 Playskool Wipes **This coupon was from inside a previous pack of Playskool wipes I had purchased.
I also used $10.00 in ExtraBucks earned last week from the Huggies deal I did. So I paid just $ $5.96 OOP and earned $5.00 back in ExtraBucks!!! An awesome deal in my book!!!
Note: If you look closely at the fine print at the bottom of the Playskool coupons...They read "Limit 1 coupon per customer" Cannot be combined with any other CVS coupon. When I checked out the $1.00 off wipes coupon scanned and only took of 1 cent instead of $1.00. The manager came over voided out one pack of wipes then re-rang the one pack of wipes in a seperate transaction....then scanned the $1.00 off coupon. Then $1.00 came off. So be careful and check your receipts....Or do two transactions, maybe?? The manager was very nice about it...and apologized for the inconvenience.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:57 AM
Labels: CVS
Free Colgate!!

Posted by
Miss Mommy
6:26 AM
Labels: Freebies
Monday, October 27
Upped to $100!!!
When at ShopRite the other day the cashier let me know that my Baby Bucks are expiring this week, on November 1st to be exact. So when I received my receipt, I glanced at the bottom of it to see how many Baby Bucks I had earned since August. Just $19.xx....not even close!! But I did notice that starting the next cycle on November 2nd that now you must spend $100 on baby products to earn a $10 off certificate!!! They upped it an additonal $25! Bummer!!
Just a heads up in case your a ShopRite Shopper!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:28 PM
Labels: Grocery
Freebies, Printables, and More!!
Beyond BodiHeat- Fast acting pain Relief heating pad sample.
Sign Up here to join Carter's Celebration one of the first to know about upcoming sales and promotions.
Free Sticker Sheet- Ferrari sticker set courtesy of Shell.
Bagel Bites printable $1.00/2 coupon here.
SweetStacks- Gourmet pancakes sample. Mmm!!

Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:55 AM
Labels: Freebies

Posted by
Miss Mommy
6:09 AM
Labels: Coupons
Sunday, October 26
Still Need Candy??
Posted by
Miss Mommy
6:01 AM
Labels: Deals
Saturday, October 25
Trick Or Treat Parade.....
Posted by
Miss Mommy
6:59 AM
Friday, October 24
All This For $3.21!!!

Posted by
Miss Mommy
1:42 PM
25% Off Clearance Prices!!!
I was driving past TJ Maxx late yesterday while running an errand at a nearby store and I saw big signs in the window of TJ Maxx.....Take an additional 25% off Clearance Prices....thru tomorrow!!! So of course, we parked up and ran in to see what we could find.
They had racks, upon racks , upon racks of every department! Men's, Women's, children's, infants, home, shoes, etc. The whole store was plum full of clearance!! And not just summer stuff either...lots of fall and winter clothing and items as well!! We browsed for about 45 minutes and walked out with this:
-A pair of black dress pants for me on Clearance for $5.00.....Paid just $4.00
-A cute Little outfit for Little Miss...on Clearance for $8.00...Paid just $6.00
-A Hurley T-shirt for Little Man on Clearance for $4.00...Paid just $3.00
I also racked up on various baby sets and outfits(under 12 months) on clearance as well. Brands like Calvin Klein, Timberland, Polo, Nike, and more! Sorry, no pic of these are hospital gifts for a few Mommy-to-be friends of mine due real soon!! I always like to go and meet the new baby with a little something in-hand to welcome them with!! I remember how thoughtful it was of others when I was in their shoes!!
P.S. They also had lots of Phillies Gear too!! Sweatshirts, T-shirt's, socks....Go Phillies!!!
So if you are nearby a TJ Maxx today or tomorrow you may want to stop in and see what you can find!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
12:00 PM
My CVS Run...
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:27 AM
Labels: CVS
Thursday, October 23
The Sippy Cup....
It never fails we leave the house with a Sippy Cup or two in hand for Little Miss......while we are away from home.....and we get back home later on, and guess what we are then Sippy cup-less. It happens all the time....and I am sure if you have little ones, you can relate!! And the worst is when you just bought a 2 pack of brand new sippy cups for around $7 (some even way higher priced) and you lose one on the first use.
Well, after losing a few sippy cups in our days....I have now decided to change our ways a bit. Little Man is all about juice boxes...but Little Miss is still a bit to small to handle the whole juice box thing yet. So no sippy cups on-th-go are not an option for her. While at Target the other day I discovered these Munchkin BPA free 9 oz. sippy cups for just 99 Cents each!! A great bargain if you have bought sippy cups in the past!!
But how is the quality?? We have been using them now for a few days and they seem to be working out perfectly!! They are a very hard plastic, the valve stays in place perfectly (no leaks), and they hold the perfect amount of juice, water or milk. They also had several different colors choices as well.
If you are tried of losing sippy cups...maybe you might want to give these a try. This way for just 99 cents if you lose it....not a big deal!! And watch.....since it was just under a dollar this sippy cup will be the one you never lose!! Isn't that just how it works??
Posted by
Miss Mommy
1:26 PM
Labels: Kiddies
Crustless Bread....
Little Man is not a fan of crust on bread at all. Little Miss is still not old enough to know about the "no crust" phase yet...LOL LOL So for three days in a row...guess what Little Man ate for Uncrustable!! The first one he sat down to eat...his eye lit up and he smiled....."No crust" he said?? "Wow these are cool"!!! Well needless to say the 4-pack was gone in 3 days...Little Miss did manage to get one...and she loved it too!!
So the following week while out shopping I took a glance at the freezer section to see just how much Uncrustables cost. At ShopRite they sell a 4-pack for $2.89. Walmart only sells 10-pack for just a hair under $5.00. These prices are for the PB&J Uncrustables, the Grilled Cheese one are a bit more expensive!! As part of the campaign I also received a few .75/1 coupons to use for future purchases. At ShopRite that would double to $1.00 off....but $1.89 for 4 PB&J sandwiches is still a bit steep in my book!!
So I about we make our own!!! I picked up a few cookies cutter shapes...plastic so Little Man could get in on the fun too!! Here are a few of them:
We just take 2 pieces of bread smear on the Peanut Butter & Jelly , then smack the two slices together and use the cookies cutters to cut out fun shapes. Of course, we avoid the crust at all costs!! LOL LOL
Only 2 made it to the picture....Little Miss grabbed the other 2 when I went to get the camera!!
Just a fun, kid-friendly, lunch we can make together...and cheaply too!!
Lots more Thrifty Thursday posts here.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:07 AM
Labels: Thrifty Thursdays