So here is how it normally goes...I run into a store, get what I need, then head to the checkout. The first thing the cashiers always ask for is my club card (store discount card). That is when the fun begins, for me....not the cashier. Actually I think the cashier dreads this part of the transaction!! I have to search through my wallet for my discount card....receipts fall out, papers drop, coupons fly, and then I find the red card I think I need.....only to find out that it is not the right red card...bummer!!! To better explain....I am sure this picture will do it:
I emptied the whole wallet out.....and found receipts from months ago, an old college ID, expired coupons, old store to-buy lists...and the list goes on!!!
Oh...and look what else I found stuffed in my so overly cluttered wallet....$5 bucks!!! Yippee!!!
I am so excited to go to the store now....and now when the cashier asks for my club card....I will find it in no time flat!!!
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I found my husband's old check card in the pocket of my coat when I got it out this year. He had been sent a new card so we just activated it when we couldn't find the old one last year. I cut the old one up in tiny pieces and it took my 10 year old about 5 minutes to put the pieces back together again! Scary.
Looks great!
I am shocked and a little suspicious that you would let something get that messy...this looks like my wallet, except my wallet is cloth and closes with velcro, while you clearly have one made for adults
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