Tuesday, March 31
4 The Doggie....
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:02 PM
Labels: Freebies
To Help You Sleep Better, Perhaps This Will Work??
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:31 PM
Labels: Deals
It's Getting To Be That Time Of Year Again....
Posted by
Miss Mommy
12:59 PM
Labels: Coupons, Email Newsletters
I Guess The Floor Does Not Pick Up After People??
I am assuming that anyway...going by all the crumbs, dirt, coupons, wrappers, leaves, etc. that have accumulated on the floor of my car!! I must admit...it has been about 3 weeks since the last vacuum and clean-up of the inside of my car...and boy Oh boy you can surely tell it needed it. I am almost too embarrassed to even post the before pics....but I will such a good sport and all!!
I know, I know, by the pics you would think we live in the car, wouldn't you?? If you can believe it....which I am sure it is hard by the pics you just peeked at....I promise the floors in my house are clean........much cleaner in fact, I do not lie!! Hey, if your in the neighborhood, you welcome to pop in and check on them yourself!! lol lol
Here are the floors after......they are spic and span clean:
I almost do not want to drive anywhere tomorrow....as I am sure you know with the kiddies in tow by tomorrow night they will not look so clean anymore!! Oh well, at least I have pics now of how clean my car can be....even if not for that long!! lol lol
Posted by
Miss Mommy
12:19 PM
Labels: Tackle It Tuesday
Sample For Your Pretty Locks....

Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:32 AM
Labels: Freebies
Like Frosted Flakes??
Just in case you are planning on doing the Kellogg's Cereal Deal this week at Acme I had posted the other day here and do not have a coupon........ here is a printable coupon for Frosted Flakes. The coupon is for $1.00/2 boxes, it let me print 2!
Simply press on the Earn Your Stripes Icon on the top left side of the screen and then click on the Fun and Freebies icon that will appear on the right hand side of the screen to access the printable coupon. It expires 4/30/09.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
5:05 AM
Labels: Coupons
Monday, March 30
ShopRite Coupon Match-Ups.......
-Colgate Toothpaste .99
.50/1 coupon (Doubles to $1) in the 3/29 SmartSource
Final Cost: FREE
Final Cost: $2.00 for 2 (1.00 each)
-Fantastik Cleaner 2 for $4
$1.00/1 coupon in the 3/29 SmartSource
Final Cost: $3.00 for 2 ($1.50 each)
-Banana Nut Cheerios $2.49
.50/1 coupon(doubles to $1) in the 2/22 SmartSource
Final Cost: $1.49
-Kraft Mayo (Qt. Jar) $2.49
$1.00/2 coupon in the 3/29 SmartSource
Final Cost: $1.99 each
-Skippy Peanut Butter 2 for $3
.75/2 coupon in the 1/18 RedPlum (doubles to $1)
Final Cost: just $1.00 each
-Kraft Dressing (1 pint) $1.49
$1.50/1 coupon in the 3/29 SmartSource
Final Cost: FREE!!!!
-Birds Eye SteamFresh Veggies (10-12 oz.) $.99 each
$1.00/3 coupon in the 3/29 SmartSource
Final Cost: $1.97 for 3 bags!!
-Hefty One Zip Bags (13-22 count) $1.88
$1.00/2 coupon in the 3/29 SmartSource
Final Cost: $1.76 for 2
-Dixie Cups and Plates (14-54 count) $1.99
$1.00/2 coupon
Final Cost: $2.98 for 2 packs
-Marcal Napkins (250 count) $1.49
$1.00/1 coupon in the 3/8 SmartSource
Final Cost: .49 cents!!
-Sundown Vitamins $2.74
$1.00/1 coupon in the 2/22 RedPlum
Final Cost: $1.74
-Buy 4 Knorr Pasta or Rice Sides 4 for $5
Get 2 Del Monte Canned Veggies FREE (up to $1.88)!!
$.75/2 (doubles to $1) coupon in the 1/18 RedPlum
Final Cost for all 6 items: $4.00
-Halls $1.25
Free coupon in the 3/29 SmartSource
Final Cost: FREE!!!
See any other great deals this week at ShopRite....post a comment to fill us all in!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:44 PM
Labels: Grocery
Free Rental Monday!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
12:22 PM
Labels: Freebies
Wegman's Deals!!
-Cottonelle Bath Tissue (12 pack) $4.99
*Use the .50/1 coupon from the 3/29 SmartSource insert to pay just $3.99
-Wegman's Lean Ground Beef (90%) $1.99 lb.
-Wegman's Butter (1 lb.quarters) $1.69
-Coca Cola (2 liters) 3 for $3.33
-Arm & Hammer 2x Concentrate liquid Detergent $1.99
*Use the $1.00/1 coupon Print this coupon here for $1.00/any 1 A&H Laundry Detergent and pay just .99 for the bottle!! An awesome deal!!

Posted by
Miss Mommy
6:35 AM
Labels: Grocery
Sunday, March 29
For the Younger Ones!!

Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:47 PM
For The Reynold's Wrap Users....
Just in case you are a Reynold's Wrap Aluminum Foil lover this is a great week to stock up on it....if you have a few coupons in your stash that is!! This week Target has Reynold's Wrap Aluminum Foil (75 sq.feet) on sale for $2.50. There was a $1.00/1 coupon in the insert. So after the coupon you pay just $1.50 OOP for the foil!! A great deal for 75 square feet Reynold's Wrap!!

Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:11 PM
Saturday, March 28
Acme Deals....
**Use the $1.00/2 coupon in the 3/1 SmartSource insert to pay just $1.07 a box!**

Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:32 AM
Labels: Grocery
Friday, March 27
Mix & Match Sale!!!
This week through Thursday, April 2nd Genuardi's is having another Mix & Match Event!!Save $5 off your order instantly when you any 10 participating items throughout the store in a single transaction with your Club Card. Here are just a few of the over 1,000 items included in the Mix & Match Sale.......
75 Cents Each
Duncan Hines Moist Deluxe Cake Mix
Joy Dish detergent (12.6 oz.)
Chicken of the Sea Chunk White Tuna (can)
Hunts Snack pudding 4-pack
Angel Soft 4-roll Toilet paper pack
Sweet Baby Rays 18 oz BBQ sauce
Rice a Roni (3.8-7.2 oz.) selected varities
Hormel Chili Can (15 oz.)
Fresh Express Salad Bag (9-12 oz.)
Halls Naturals (20-25 count)
$1.50 Each
Hefty Everyday plates (50 count)
Ajax (34 oz.)
Suave Body Wash (12 oz.)
Nabisco 100 Calorie Packs (4.2-5.1 oz.)
Kleenex Tissues (75-200 count)
Irish Spring (3 count bar)
Crystal Light (8 qt. or 10count pkg.)
Deer Park Aqua Pod (8-11 oz.)
Brawny Paper Towels (1 roll)
$2.00 Each
Colgate (4.2-8.2 oz.)
Hefty One Zip Bags (30-40 count)
Eating Right Baby Carrots (2 lb. bag)
Huggies Wipes Tub (64-72 count)
Wet Ones Wipes (40 count)
Jimmy Dean Premium Bacon
Ball Park Franks (14-16 oz.)
Daisy Sour Cream (16 oz.)
Quaker Instant Oatmeal (10.9-16.2 oz.)
Motts 6-pack Applesauce Cups
Crest Toothpaste (4-8.2 oz.)
$2.50 Each
Duracell Batteries (4 count)
Degree (2.6-2.7 oz.)
Suave Lotion (18 oz.)
Johnsonville Brats (14-16 oz.)
Soft Scrub (assorted)
Maxwell House or Yuban coffee (10.5-13 oz.)
Athenos Hummas (7 oz.)
Dove Deodorant (2.6 oz.)
**Coupon for $1.50/2 in the 3/15 RedPlum insert**
Palmolive Pure & Clear (20 oz.)
Club Crackers (9-16 oz.)
Chex Mix Bars (6 count)
Remember to get the prices listed above you MUST purchase 10 participating items in a single transaction using your Club Card. There is no limit on the # of $5 rewards you can earn!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
12:25 PM
Labels: Grocery
I Was a Bit Skeptical......
So I usually mix up his drinks for the week....water a few days, and a juice box a couple of the days as well. I do not ever send in milk as there is no refrigeration.......and I'd hate for it to spoil!! As I grabbed a juice box out of the fridge 2 nights ago to pack his snack...I noticed we were running a bit low on them.....I usually stock up when I can find a great sale on them (Which has been a little while)!!
This week ShopRite has new Apple & Eve Fruitables juice boxes on sale for $2.99 (8 pack). There was a $1.00/1 manufactures coupon in the 3/1 SmartSource insert. I had 3 coupons so I decided to purchase 3 packs of them at ShopRite earlier this week for just $1.99 a pack after coupons.
I was a bit skeptical....as Little Man loves juice, but Fruitables are made with a 100% juice blend that’s packed with fruits and vegetables. I was unsure as to whether his taste buds would care for the flavor or not....... I am a 100% juice only kind of buying Mom (No Kool Aid packs here)....but vegetable juice mixed in kind of made me wonder a bit??
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:38 AM
Labels: Grocery, Kiddies, My Opinion
Border's Printable....
Posted by
Miss Mommy
5:58 AM
Labels: Coupons
Thursday, March 26
Like Soft Pretzels???
How about a FREE soft pretzel? Then hopefully you have a Pretzelmaker/Pretzel Time near you!! Because on Sunday, April 26th, 2009 they will be hosting National Pretzel Day once again this year!! That means one FREE original soft pretzel per person from open to close at participating locations nationwide.
Have you joined the Pretzelmaker/Pretzel Time Fan Club yet? It's free to join, and then you can be one of the first to know about special offers, get a birthday treat, and be in the know about anything pretzel!!
Plus when you sign up for the fan club you get a coupon for a free original pretzel when you buy one!! You can click here to sign up, find a store near you, and more info!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
1:46 PM
Labels: Email Newsletters, Freebies
Get 75 FREE Prints!!
4" x 6" or 4" x 5.3" sizes $0.05 each
5" x 6.8" or 5" x 7.6" sizes $0.12 each
8" x 10.7" or 8" x 12" sizes $0.36 each
Posted by
Miss Mommy
12:35 PM
Labels: Deals
Just for the 'Tweens!!

This coupon code is valid through April 5th, 2009. Shipping starts at $5.00 (for an order up to $25)

Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:42 AM
Labels: Coupons
A Yard Mobile Made by Themselves....
Posted by
Miss Mommy
5:46 AM
Wednesday, March 25
Seriously, Who Would Want This Thing?
That is what I had been telling myself for almost 3 and a half years. You see we had moved into our current home then and the nice gentleman that sold us the place left us a few of his unwanted items behind for us to have........generous of him you say??
Where do I begin, the list a bit long.......
Big old wooden birdhouses scattered throughout the backyard
Patio pavers everywhere they should not be
Miscellaneous wooden rotted outdoor furniture
An old heater in the crawlspace(how they got it in there is beyond me?)
Oh and my favorite item, this...take a look at this beauty:
I have been calling it a BIG, heavy, cement rolly thing for the past 3 1/2 years...it's actual name...I haven't a clue!!
If I did not even know the name of it, along with about the 40 or so people I have asked over the years.....who would ever want it? It was just way too heavy for the trash men to take it....pick it up, that is!! What to do with it. It sat,
and sat,
and sat.......behind our shed for all this time, unused, and ugly...until.........
I decided it was time to try and part ways with this fella! I put a post up about 2 weeks ago on Craiglsist...in the FREE section, of course! And in fact, if they had a I'll pay you to take it Section....I would of gladly paid anyone to take it out of here!! LOL LOL
So just last week...a nice fella emailed me and said he could use this BIG, heavy,cemet, rolly, thingy and would love to come by and pick it up that day!! Yippee!! I must tell you I was doing the Happy dance!!
He came taht day, and took it away....he was happy to have it, and I was so very happy to see it go...far....far......far away!!!
So just in case you have a heavy cement rolly thing in your backyard, or something similar to it...here is the motivation you may need to list it on Craigslist.......there just may be someone who would love to have it...even if you do not know's it's name!!
Curious to see what Works for others? Be sure to head over to We are THAT Family and find out!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:51 AM
Labels: Works For Me Wednesday