Well..to answer my own question, since I know you are dying to know...lol...No, I am not an Ebay Seller, anymore that is....I use to sell on Ebay back in the day (about 4 years ago) before Ebay got soooo complicated! At least for me anyway. I used to sell things around the house or things family/friends gave me to sell, or things I bought cheap enough to re-sell. I really enjoyed it...while it lasted anyway....then the rules started getting tighter, profits were getting slimmer, and the buyers were getting stranger...lol Plus, the ebay fees were always rising, rising, rising....not to mention the USPS rates were always going up too!! Then I discovered Craigslist...Ahh...Craigslist...I love it!! I have really met some wonderful people through craigslist...that is a whole other story...lol!!
Anyway, today I get this messgae from Ebay stating that the Feedback system is changing and Fees are being reduced...WOW!!! Apperantly Ebay is feeling the competition!! It's about time!! Competion is great for us buyers...more deals, you know how it is!! Anyway the details are below....Interesting, Hey?? Seems like they are once again hurting the sellers??? But, why...without the sellers where would ebay be??
There are five key elements to the new Feedback system being introduced in the first half of 2008:
1. Beginning in February, buyers and sellers will be able to earn up to one Feedback per week from the same trading partner. Today, members may only affect each other's Feedback scores one time, regardless of the number of transactions between the parties. This change will both encourage repeat transactions and reward good service.
2. Sellers will no longer be able to leave negative or neutral Feedback for buyers. This change will occur in May, 2008.
3. Removal of negative and neutral Feedback left by members who are suspended or who fail to respond to the Unpaid Item Process (UPI).
4. Positive Feedback percentage will be based on the past 12 months of Feedback, rather than lifetime, since it is most indicative of the seller's recent performance.
5. Restrictions on when Feedback can be left:* Buyers must wait three days before leaving negative or neutral Feedback* Instead of 90 days, members will be able to leave Feedback for 60 days
Thursday, January 31
Ebay...Are You A Seller???
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:41 PM
Headed to Walgreens Today??
Well, if you are your in luck....today ONLY!! There is a printable 5/20 purchase coupon at Walgreens...You know there are the regular exclusions (milk, tobacco, gift cards, prescriptions, etc.)...But hey if you are dying for some candy (time of the month perhaps??), need a card for Valentine's Day..are low on toothpaste...head to Walgreens!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
1:35 PM
Tomorrow is National Wear Red Day!!!
Wear red to a Macy's store on Friday, February 1, and receive an exclusive All-Day Savings Pass for an extra 15% off apparel and accessories–all in support of Go Red For Women. This is to help raise awarness of the American Heart Association's nationwide movement to wipe out heart disease, the #1 killer of women!! Or if you choose you can donate $2.00 and receive a pin good for the same discount all-day tomorrow!!
So now you can shop for a GREAT cause...hubby will love to hear that you are taking your part in rasing awareness....won't he??
Posted by
Miss Mommy
12:57 PM
Wednesday, January 30
FREE!!! That's Right!!!
WOW!! Free again...Man...these Free things excite me just a bit too much!!! LOL
On February 2nd from 10am - 4pm...Get a FREE regular or Cinnamon Pretzel at Auntie Anne's!! YUM! We are for sure going to be there!! My son loves there pretzels..as I am sure my daughter will like one too!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:52 PM
Mmmm!!! That Smell is Great!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
5:53 PM
Tuesday, January 29
Some Savings Tips!!!
Well....somehow we are low on food again around here....that is on milk, bread, cheese, butter, bottled water, etc......so tomorrow is grocery day, I suppose. Man, I dread it...as do the kiddies too!!! Probably more than me...lol..lol Well, I thought I would give you a few pointers on ways I try to save when I go.....Feel free to take it as you will.......
* I always look at the sale add prior to going, write down what I need to purchase and then match coupons up to the items I will buy.
* If you are really in desperate need of an item....look at the store-brand....you can save more buying this way on items that are a must need!!
* Look for SALES!!! If something is on sale you normally buy...stock up.....meaning if Hellman's mayo is on sale and you use a lot of it....buy 3 jars to hold you over until the next sale. But I will warn you.....although it may be tempting...PLEASE DO NOT stock up on three heads of broccoli for the next month if it goes on sale....or your house will stink...lol..lol
* Know your prices...if you need to write them down in a little book.....meaning I know that milk is cheapest at Sam's Club, Pillsbury Pancakes at Target, Frosted Flakes at Walmart...etc. Trust me after a few weeks...you will no what is a good price is!!!
* Know when certain items go on sale and purchase accordingly...such as January is Can-Can Sales, Cleaning Sales, Summer- Ground meat, summer fruits/veggies, canned soda...etc. This way when Lysol wipes go on sale in January buy a few containers to hold you over!! And do not make too many fruit salads in the winter, when fruits are very expensive!!
* Plan your meals according to what is on sale that week.....it is also great for not having to eat the same meals over and over again!!
* Check you receipt!!! I cannot even begin to tell you just how many times I have walked out of the store with the wrong size can, or variety that was next to OR in the place of the item that should of been on sale!!!
* Get a rain check!! Most are valid for up to 60 days!!
And best of all have a great time....especially looking at your receipt on the way out and seeing how much you SAVED!!
Great Job!! I am very proud of you!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:41 PM
Labels: Savings
Now that I have your attention...the word free really gets peoples attention!!! I wanted to share with you a few free samples I came across.....maybe you like to receive FREE things in the mail like I do.....it's exciting to get something free, isn't it?? Instead of the same old bills?? Well anyway...enjoy!!
I love regular Chex mix...this sounds kind of yummy!! Chocolate Turtle Chex Mix
Carmel Delight Fiber One...Never tried Fiber One...but for FREE heck yes I will...lol
And for after you have enjoyed all your free treats....you can surely use this....Aquafresh Extreme Clean Toothpaste
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:30 AM
Monday, January 28
Tired Old Monday.....

Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:22 PM
Sunday, January 27
Do You Like Wrinkle Free Clothes???
We were in the hunt for a new iron...we currently have a Rowenta and have had it for a few years and absolutely LOVE IT!! But, after MANY great presses it has done for us it iron is starting to go....dropping water out of the iron onto our clothes...not a good thing by any means....PLUS it does not seem to get as hot as it once used too. We paid I think about $60 or so for it.....I know, I know....not so thrifty for an iron.....BUT in my defense I was so tired of buying a new iron every couple months for $25 or so. So we researched and splurged a bit....BUT in the long run definitely made a good choice.....so we wanted again to purchase a Rowenta, for sure!! Well....we had been on the look out for about a month...missed out on one last week on sale at Target...but to our surprise LNT came threw for us today...and cheaper too!!! They have this Rowenta Effective Iron for $39.99....was $49.99, PLUS you can use a 20% off coupon to save about $8.00 AND you can send in for a $10.00 LNT gift card by mail!!! I picked it up today and will let you know how we like it!! A Rowenta for less than $30...A Grrrreat Deal....I think, anyway!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:12 PM
Amazing...CVS Deals That Is!!!
WOW!! CVS is at it again....with the GREAT deals again for this week I mean! They have Stay Free 10-count packages for FREE after $3.29 Extra Bucks. They also have Playskool baby wipes (80 count) for $2.50...use the coupon on the Nestle site to save $1.00 off to make the deal even better!! They also have 12-packs of CVS 1,00 sheets a roll Toilet Paper on sale for $4.99....man, perfect timing....my stockpile was down to 4 lonely rolls...lol They also have Huggies diapers jumbo packs on sale for $8.88 a pack....PLUS if you buy $25 or more worth you get $5 back in Extra Bucks!!! Don't forget to use your Manufactures coupons as well to save even more!!!!
Remember to save EVEN MORE...be sure to sign up on their website...they email me coupons about once a week or so.....GOOD coupons to too like $2/10 purchase or $3/15 purchase!! These will help you save even MORE!!!
Happy CVS---ing!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:25 PM
Saturday, January 26
Hubby and I Alone....WHAT???
Ah....Just sitting here relaxing.....Hubby and I got a call this morning from my sis-in-law and she said she was coming over to babysit the kiddies so hubby and I can go out for some dinner...ALONE!!! Wow!! Great surprise...not at all that I mind the kiddies....but it is great to just go out with hubby....well, like twice a year that is....lol There were actually six of us...it was a good time......I am so stuffed though....kinda weird to actually order dessert at a restaurant...you know how it is...always eat and run before the kiddies get tired of sitting still....lol
Kiddies are still not feeling back to 100%.....hoping the bug that they have goes away soon....my son actually said to me today he may be sick forever....I had to laugh at him.....it has been about 5 days.....YUCK!! Forever to him, anyway!!
Well better go and get some Z's....kiddies are out for the night and since we woke up at 7 am today...I am sure we will be up again that early tomorrow too!!
Good Night!!!
P.S.- CVS is at it again this week...look tomorrow for more deals to be had!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:01 PM
Need More Clothes...At a Discount, Of Course!!!
CITY STRETCH SHIRT - PINK SHEEN STRIPE for $14.99.......Reg. $34.95 They have lots more on Sale too!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:57 AM
Friday, January 25
Father's Day Gift???
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:52 AM
Thursday, January 24
If you drink coffee...as you already know I do....You will LOVE this Freebie.... FREE coffemate (up to $4.50).
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:53 PM
Where Oh Where Have my Forks Gone???
Did you see my forks anywhere?? Just curious.....because we are now down to 2 forks in our silverware set....not too worry.....we still have all 12 knives and all 12 spoons! Whatever happened to the forks is a mystery to me??? A rather annoying mystery at that!! I love my silverware set...and am bummed about the missing forks....so I am on a quest to replace the missing ones. This should be interesting!! I am assuming they somehow ended up in the trash can......perhaps. And of course, it was not me who tossed them in there ..... I am sure you already new that...lol!! I checked out Christmas Tree Shops and did see a few nice sets...but if I replace it I will feel so bad tossing the old set....I know, I know....Freecycle did this to me!!! I feel guilty if I throw out something someone may be able to use.... I'll keep you posted on my silverware dilemma...since I know you will lose sleep over it..lol
I have always thought it would be so cool to get out of the shower on a cold winter morning and wrap yourself up in a nice warm bath towel......well this may be my chance to try it out....at LNT they have this Warmrails Wonderbar for ONLY $19.99 (OVER 1/2 OFF!!) Plus it ships for Free!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:41 PM
Wednesday, January 23
Prices About to Drop???
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:24 PM
Labels: Savings
Pretty Flowers...Yummy Chocolates....
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:39 PM
Perfect Man Gift!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:20 AM
Tuesday, January 22
Avon Sale!!
Please remember to enter coupon code: WINTER815 for FREE SHIPPING on your order of $15 or more!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:41 PM
The Amazing Ball Popper Amazing!!!
Today I will enlighten you with an amazingly true fact....for those of you with little ones....you will really appreciate it!! The rest of you will think I am nuts...This may be TRUE!!! lol....lol Did you ever try to shower with a little one...say from about 7-8 months and up?? Well it is nearly impossible.....all my daughter likes to do is trying to get into the shower with me.....Or throw her toys in the shower as I am in there......Or bother her brother who is nicely playing trains in his room.....So How do I take a shower??? I take out the Playskool Busy Ball Popper!!! That's right...the toy is truly amazing!!! Actually, I owe being clean everyday to Playskool.......Thanks I really appreciate it!! One of my Hubby's co-workers bought it for our daughter and she LOVES IT!! It makes music and the balls go around in the tubes and shoot out the top!! Really keeps the babies attention!! My son even plays with it sometimes with her too! If you have little ones...it is a great investment...(maybe temporary, BUT Necessary!!)
You can get it for under $20 with FREE shipping at Amazon right now!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:25 PM
Labels: My Opinion
Monday, January 21
FREE...Did I Read That Right??
Ohh, why yes that is correct ...just a couple freebies to check out.....Enjoy!!
Free Sample of Curves Cereal.....This time Change is good!!!
Free Sample of Dove Shampoo/Conditioner
Free Green Breeze Organic Green Tea Powder Sample ...100% Pure Green Tea with No Additives!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
6:33 PM
Sick Day......
Well my son is sick...so I will be a little brief today...as he is WAY into snuggling...Not that I mind at ALL...since he is not as into much anymore...since he is getting older and all.
14 PC Ginsu Cutlery Counter Saver Set for JUST $14.99 ...reg. $59.99. I have a set of Ginsu knives (not this exact set) and I absolutely LOVE THEM!!!
Rival 4-Qt. Crock Pot Stainless Steel
With Bonus programmable module and cookbook. Removable stoneware. for JUST $17.97 ...reg. $49.99. I could not live without my crock pot!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:09 PM
Sunday, January 20
A Little Something Extra For You....at CVS of course!!!
WOW!! That's what I have to say about the CVS deals this week!!! I just got back and racked up...even the cashier was impressed...lol lol A few deals worth mentioning are .......
*Soft soap liquid hand soap 3-packs for $2.99 (after 2.00 Extra bucks)...don't forget to use your Manufacturer coupons for .35 off too! (limit 5)
*CVS Soft cloths Baby Wipes just $4.29 (after 1.00 Extra bucks savings) (Limit 5)
*Irish Spring 10 pack bar soap just $2.99 (after 2.00 Extra bucks savings) (limit 5)
*Dawn Dish Soap just .99 each!! Use your manufacturer P&G coupon to save $1.00/2 as well!!
* SoyJoy Bars $4 for $4.00 (FREE after $4.00 Extra Bucks savings!!!
*Speed Stick 24/7 For men Antiperspirant FREE!!!! (After Extra bucks savings of $3.99)....Use your B1G1 Free coupon as well that was in the newspaper coupons last week and get 2 FREE!!!!!!
* If you are brand loyal.......Pampers diapers are $8.99...okay price, but if you spend $20 in certain P&G Products get $5 Extra Bucks....Use your $1.00 off manufactures Pampers coupons that were in the newspaper a few weeks back to save even more!!
The key to shopping at CVS and not paying A TON of money out of pocket is several trips!!! I know, I know...more work!! But in the end well worth it!! What I mean for example if you are buying the $3.99 deodorant, the 4.99 soft soap, and a few packs of the $5.29 baby wipes (all prices before extra bucks!!...Do NOT get scared...lol) Purchase them this way............
-Go into CVS buy the deodorant and soft soap pay out of pocket $9.00 or so...and receive $5.99 in Extra bucks at the bottom of your receipt...THEN go back, or to another store...or send hubby in to buy the baby wipes you need to get...say you buy 2 packs for $10.58 (before extra bucks savings) use your $5.99 in extra bucks and pay only 4.58 out of pocket!! I hope I explained that clearly enough....If you have a questions, please just let me know!!! I would be more than happy to help!!!
FYI: Sign up for Email offers from CVS and receive a coupon for $4 off a $20 purchase!!!
Happing Savings!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
4:34 PM
Saturday, January 19
A Proud Party Mama....
Today was my nieces 3rd Birthday Bash....It's kind of a funny story....she has been telling my sister that she would not like to have a birthday party...she wants to be 2 only!! Not three!! I myself did not believe my sister until I heard the words come out of my nieces mouth....she too funny!! Well, my sister did end up having a party for her tonight....(don't worry we had to bribe her with me bringing my older niece along to the party....she loves her!) And it worked...turned out real nice....And best of all my little niece had a party and really did enjoy herself!!
My son had his 2ND Kids Club class earlier today....and guess what he walked right in sat down besides his little friends and said "Bye Mom you can go with Daddy and sister now". I am so proud of him....the big boy he has become......who am I kidding I am actually proud of me too...for not crying when he said that to me...he is growing up too fast!!!
Look tomorrow for some great deals for next week!!
Good Night!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:36 PM
Friday, January 18
Kohl's Rocks!!
Well I ventured out with the kiddies to run a few errands (they are fast asleep now....too many I guess!)....stopped into Kohl's to see what they had on Clearance...and let me just tell you they are awesome!! I only shopped in the women's Dept. as that was all the time the kiddies gave me.......you know before they were hungry, tired, and board...LOL They had about 10 or so racks of Clearance marked down 60%-80%, and two racks of Final Clearance. They had a wide range of sizes, colors, and variety. They had some solid V-neck T's for just $1.20!!! Perfect for the summer or under another shirt!! I racked up for myself...got a good amount of stuff!! Usually, I head for the kiddies departments first then to men's for hubby, then women's.....Glad I entered threw the women's department today...or else I would of missed out!! Don't forget to use your coupon for an additional 15-30% off too!! Makes the deals even sweeter!! Or just use your Kohl's charge to save 15% off if you misplaced your coupon!!
Good luck if you go!!
Let me know how you do...C'mon brag a bit...will ya!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:47 PM
Mmm! That Smells Good!!

Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:03 AM
Thursday, January 17
Few Free Samples to Enjoy.....Hey, I'll take whatever I can get...nothing is FREE anymore..LOL!!
Glad Simply Cooking Steam Bags
South Beach Living Sample (granola or drink)
Hamburger Helper Singles Sample
Schick Quattro Titanium Razor Sample
Enjoy them!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:52 PM
Ready, Set, SHOP!!!!
They also have this cute
Chaps Ruffled Jersey Top (infants)
orig. $24.00 now just $4.80
I know it may be a little CHILLY now...but soon these
Frosty Beer Mug will come in handy when friends are over for a visit and it is sweltering OUT...
orig. $5.99
now just $2.39
To save even more...Use code JANSAVE30 (save 30% off)...AND spend $75 or more and get FREE shipping too!!
Don't forget in-store as well....even if you do not have you card with the discount they sent out in the mail to you....use your Kohl's card and save 15% off!! Good until January 21st.
Good Luck in the Bargain Hunt!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
1:22 PM
Wednesday, January 16
Maybe It's Your Turn to WIN, WIN,WIN???
I know you must have made some New Year's Resolutions......something about cleaning out the house, not to have all that junk lying around.....sound familiar??? If so now is your time to CLEAN OUT!!! And make a little money doing it too....today ONLY EBay is offering 20 cent listing fees!!! So hurry up and start making some money on all that junk you have...LOL Remember, one mans trash is an other's treasure!!!
How do feel about contests...ever win one....ever sign up for one??? Well, I never win anything....but for a house and new SUV...what do I have to loose right???? So sign up to win from HGTV(worth OVER 2.2 million!!)....If you win, remember who told you about it...and it least let me visit....LOL..LOL!!
Going on Now Bath and Body Works is having a great Clearance Sale on baskets, sets, lotions, and more....Great time to stock up for upcoming birthday presents!! They have this Shower Gel Rich Citrus Cream for ONLY $3.75 (reg. $9.50) They also have this Nice
tote bag with faux patent trim and it comes filled with 10 oz. Shower Gel, 10 oz. Bubble Bath, 8 oz. Body Lotion and 8 oz. Body Splash. It is now ONLY $19.80 (reg $49.50).
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:26 PM
Tuesday, January 15
Fun, Fun, and More Fun!!!!
Today was playgroup day.......my son LOVES Tuesday's for this very reason......Fun, Fun, Fun!!! He gets to play with different toys than the norm, make a craft...which he adores, and best off all see his little friends! And of course, Mom loves it too....get to chat with other mommies about all our fun-filled days.....with the kiddies and all. Today for the craft the kids make up little Hot Chocolate bags...a cool idea...you just put a few spoonfuls of hot cocoa mix in a baggie with a few scoops of mini chocolate chips, and a few marshmallow scoops, and a little note saying add a cup of milk or water for delicious Hot Chocolate!! My son made two of them and him and his cousin really enjoyed drinking the Hot Cocoa they had stirred and made...YUM!!

Need more toys.....If you are in my boat...that would be the VERY last thing you need.....BUT if you need some call me and I can give you some of mine!! LOL......What, you would like new ones...O.K., O.K....well you are in luck.....KBtoys is having a massive Clearance sale.......check it out!!! They have this Yukon Express 80-Piece Wooden Train Set for ONLY $19.99....(reg. $59.99) To save even more use your Visa and code VISA47KB to save $5 off a $35 purchase!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:46 PM
Monday, January 14
Savings...Have You Started Yet????
Well, hubby and I are in the midst of trying to find the best college savings plans to set up for the kiddies.....Man....let me just tell you..the research involved...I wish there was just one plan and you put money in and that's it your done....YEAH RIGHT!!! J/K you know I am trying to find the best deal out there!! LOL!! I also caught a glimpse of what college will cost in say like 15 years......UMM....say like way over $100,000!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! We really have to start saving.....hubby made me laugh today about the whole college savings thing though...he said to me....."Maybe we do not need to save for our son...as he is currently sleeping in a cardboard box in his room.....LOL..LOL!!! Did I forget to tell you about my sons box Fascination??? We ordered and received one of my daughters new car seats from Amazon the other day...and my son said to me..."Mom take out the seat"....so I did....thought maybe he wanted to check the seat out.......NO....not quite, he just wanted to get in the box and make a fort....so now....for the past couple nights he has been sleeping in his new temporary bed (I hope, at least!) the car seat box in his room.....And he LOVES it!!!
I had purchased a few gift items for the holidays at ShoeBuy...and had to make one return/exchange....just wanted to pass on that the return process is so simple and accurate....not to mention FAST!!!! And no cost to the consumer at all!!! I highly recommend them!! I will be there soon to buy more shoes...I am positive!!
A few deals.....Amazon is having a 48 Hour Home Sale until Jan. 15Th (tomorrow)...They have this Pinzon 16-Piece Knife Block Set for $29.99 (75% off)....Plus it ships for FREE using Super Saver Shipping. The set got 4 out of 5 stars too!!
Macy's is also trying to move out the winter merchandise and is now offering an additional 25% off of Clearance Merchandise...They have this Style&Co. Double-Breasted Plaid Coat for $32.99 (Originally $149.00)...They have Lots more Clearance deals as well in men's, ladies, kids, shoes, and more!!! Now is the best time to buy for next winter!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:16 PM
Sunday, January 13
Oh No She's Cleaning!!!!
Well...you will not believe what I got myself into today......cleaning out the attic.....AH!!! I cannot believe I attempted to clean it out.....BUT better now than in 5 years when it is even full of more stuff...LOL Well...the freecyclers do not seem to mind one bit......Ha! Ha! I guess I have a case of Spring Fever in January...these warm temperatures have me all screwed up!!! Not, that I am complaining about the 50 degrees days one bit! I LOVE them....keep 'em coming!
Well if you are in need of some diapers...this is a GREAT week to stock up on them....CVS has their brand diapers on sale 2/12.99....They also have a BUNCH of Extra Bucks deals this week...be sure to check them out!! If you are more of a brand name lover...Target has both Huggies and Pampers on sale for $8 a pack.
This week Shop Rite's can can sale continues....a few good buys are the EverReady Gold Batteries for $1.99 a pack, Pepsi 12-packs are 5 for $11 (must buy 5), Ragu Sauce is just 99 cents (coupon in Sundays paper) and Weight Watchers meals are all 1/2 price!!
Well have to get some wash done...as I have been slacking on it since I started the attic cleaning.....I am amazed at the stuff I have saved...especially paper wise.....I actually still had some of my grade school reports and awards......As if I was saving for some reason???? Like I would use them again one day???
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:24 PM
Saturday, January 12
And We Ae At It AGAIN!!!!!!!!!
Well my son has his first day at Kids Club today....I was a little nervous on how he would be when I was about to drop him off and leave him for 2.5 hours....(well really only 2 hours 10 minutes by the time I actually had enough guts to leave...) I guess it was all in my head....I was worried...my son however was just fine...He had a BLAST!!! When I went back to pick him up he was holding a little girls had running around having a great time!!! Later, on in the car he told me and his daddy..."The little girl was holding my hand the whole time....not sure why..." Hubby and I just laughed...... He was already asking about if he goes again tomorrow.......It's so excited he's growing up...but so sad that he is our little man...and not our baby anymore...Bittersweet...I guess.
Well while he was at Kids Club...hubby, and I (along with the baby, of course) headed out to do a bit more deal finding today....we headed to Kohl's....some DEALS!!! For women's dept., and Boys Dept. I only shopped for 80% off tickets and did well!! They also has some FINAL Clearance racks....shirts, tanks, and tops for $1.20-2.40 each!!! Great for around the house or to run to the store in!!! Got my son 2 pairs of PJ's at 80% off, and a few Polo-style shirts and Tony Hawk T-shirts for 80% off as well!! The baby department was all 60% off....NOT nearly cheap enough for me...LOL...LOL...I'm a Cheapskate!!! Hubby found nothing in men's either...all 60% off he said.
We also made another run to Old Navy...Yes, a different store than yesterday!!! We bought a bag and a half full of stuff for my daughter and son. Hubby got one shirt, and I got one tank....not nearly as much stuff as the store last night had...but a nice addition to what we already bought last night.
Well tomorrow we are staying home...a HOME Day as my son calls it!!! We are all shopped OUT...LOL...LOL!!! Not to mention the overflowing closet we all have now!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:29 PM
Friday, January 11
Run.....Run...RUn...RUN!!!!! FAST!!!!!
That's right...RUN...to Old Navy...NOW!!! They have AMAZINGLY CHEAP deals!!!! My receipt said I saved $148.xx and only spent $120.xx!!!! I came home with 4...that's right 4 big shopping bags full of clothes for me, hubby, and both kids.....jeans, shirts, boots, hats, gloves, sweaters, pants, socks, and MORE!!!! If you have one nearby head there first thing in the AM.....it's well worth the trip. My kids will be stylin next winter...let me just tell you!!!
Good Luck if you go.....let me know how you make out!!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:34 PM
Well, it's Friday!! YEAH!!!! Fridays are great...aren't they??!! Just hanging out inside today....as it is pretty nasty out...raining, windy..etc. So what does that mean....I found a few deals worth mentioning today.....Of course, for this deal I will actually have to get dressed, and head to the brick and mortar....nothing left online in the sizes I need.....Man!!! I am getting a little spoiled with this thing called online shopping, wouldn't you say?? LOL LOL Anyway, Old Navy is having their 75% off Sale....starts today...better hurry, though...Quantities are limited as are sizes and colors.....I am headed their later on this afternoon...I will be sure to post if I find any amazing deals....Online they are just about SOLD OUT of almost EVERYTHING!!! But the prices do look great!!! I will be sure to keep you posted on how I make out!!
Today is Friday...so The Friday Sale at Amazon has a few good deals today too!! If you have time check them out.....The Kitchen Aid Mixer for $189.99 looks good to me??!! But I won't dare!!! LOL!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:25 PM
Thursday, January 10
Amazon, Mom & Me......AWESOME!!!!
Well...I just learned something new today......If you purchase an item from Amazon and the prices drops lower than what you paid for it...they will credit your credit card back the difference......I purchased a car seat last night for my daughter and tonight when I go onto Amazon, it was a few dollars cheaper. You do have to call the 1-800 # for the credit...put it was very simple....you just put in your phone # and they call you automatically. It took less than 5 minutes!!! I am really IMPRESSED!!!! I always loved Amazon...now I think even a bit more...LOL..LOL!!!
Today was a great day....took the kiddies to MOM and Me at the Moorestown Mall....They had a blast...made a craft, sang and danced to songs, made and ate sundaes, and just plain old had FUN!!! It is really cool that they offer this once a month....my son and niece totally look forward to it.....wouldn't you if you were a kid going to the mall for FUN stuff...and NOT having to be drug around the mall while mom looks at things to buy...LOL...LOL!!!
I ran across this great site.....I absolutely LOVE coupons....of, course you already new that!!! I cam across this link to get the local newspapers at a discounted price....(FOR the great weekly coupon inserts, of course!!) If you do not already subscribe...check it out....can save you some moola!!
FREE Shipping At Victoria's Secret...Use code VSHIPFREE They are having a their Semi-Annual Sale right now....They have lots of nice pajama sets on Clearance for $19.99 and Up.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:55 PM
Wednesday, January 9
As She Grows.......
Well...I am now beginning to car seat shop for my daughter...as she is approaching the 11Th month mark and will soon be ready to move out of her infant carrier......Kind of sad.....I just cannot believe it has almost been a year since we came home from the hospital with her....It's also exciting to see how she has grown so fast, and to see her reach new milestones almost everyday it seems like. I have been looking at reviews, prices, and information it seems like there are pros and cons to almost every seat out there...LOL...LOL!!! I did come across one seat that had some good reviews and is 50% off with free shipping.....The Cosco Summit High Back Booster Car Seat for $63.00 Shipped....
I know that January is the month for Baby Clearance....as the new models are coming out for 2008 now....I am so nervous though to buy a seat in the store without having a chance to read the reviews about the seat online.....I know, I know.....I did it for my sons seat a few years back with no hesitation at all....Now, I am nervous to just buy without reading and reviewing first.....Wierdo...I know!!! They had an Eddie Bauer on Clearance in Target last week for 30% off...seemed nice, not too bulky, nice color, padding, style, etc. but...I just felt I had to research first! And guess what.......I got home to research and that seat did pretty well.......of course, if I would of purchased it....one out of five stars it would of received...LOL!!!
Well, enough babbling....sorry.....maybe a few deals can cheer you up......
The Childrens Place is having a HUGE 30% off Sale....They have this yoga top for $4.99......And as always Shipping is $5!!
JC PENNY is having their anuual Winter Sale....They have prices slashed 30-60% off!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:18 PM
Tuesday, January 8
Thinking Nice Warm Happy Thoughts.....
That's right....it was like spring today...it was so refreshing!!! I even noticed at the store today that the cashiers, deli personal, and Baggers were smiling.....That's definitely not everyday that you see that..LOL!!! Except for the cashier in my case....Marie, she's a doll....anymore I look forward to going to the grocery store each week to catch up and see how how things are with her...Alright, alright I may be fabricating just a bit....Marie does make my shopping trip more enjoyable, and my kiddies love to see her, but who am I kidding...unless they start serving Free lunches while you shop...I just seem to dread it EVERY Week!!!!......As do the kiddies, of course too!! Well with it being so nice out today, we got out, took a walk to the park, and just plain old had some fum outside for a bit....It was lovely..really!! So all day I have been thinking about the nicer weather to be coming to our town...hopefully sooner than later!!!
If you would like to think summer, and grilling right now, Omaha Steaks is having their January Sale....Lots of items just $19.99!!! I have had a few of their items, and have never been disappointed at all!! Sale ends Tomorrow Wednesday...So HURRY!!!
LNT has these nice Beacon Looms Gossamer Window Curtains on Clearance for $1.99 to $9.99 (Regularly 11.99-49.99)......These would be great to change up on the window during Spring Cleaning.....I bet you cannot wait for that...LOL!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:12 PM
Monday, January 7
Walk Into Valentine's Looking Good.......
Still in need of a new pair of shoes for yourself??? Use online coupon ENDYEAR07 to get 20% off your entire order (some brands are excluded)Expires 1/7/08. Shoebuy offers free shipping, free return shipping and a 110% price guarantee. I have personally ordered a few holiday gifts there and they were great with returns...just FYI!!
I know, I know you are Holidayed Out...But Valentine's Day is just around the corner...so thought I would get you in the mood with this Baker's Secret Holiday Small Heart-Shaped Pan for only $5.99...it is eligible for FREE Shipping if you spend $25 or more too!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:18 PM
Sunday, January 6
And You Thought Grocery Deals Are Hard to Come By.....
Ahh...Finally The January Can-Can Sale....YEAH!!! That's right today was so beautiful out that it does not even feel like January...But is a week or two when temperatures drop back down..you will realize it....But please do not miss the Big Shop Rite Sale!!!! A few highlights of the sale this week (Ends Saturday) are Pampers Diapers are $7.99 (jumbo pack), Beechnut Baby food is 12 jars for $4.99, Lysol Wipes are 3 containers for $4, Shop Rite Canned Veggies 3 cans for $1, and Flintstones Vitamins (including Gummy) are $3.49. These are some really Great DEALS!!! There are manufacturer coupons out for the Pampers diapers (last weeks P&G insert), Flintstones Vitamins (this weeks coupon insert), and Beechnut Baby Food (Coupon in this weeks insert as well). So now the great prices are even BETTER!!!! It's about time good grocery prices on things I need...LOL!!!! The price of groceries is so very high lately...it feels great to finally get some great deals!!!
At CVS this week, they are running a sale on all CVS brand items, Buy one get one 50% off until Saturday. This includes CVS diapers, wipes, lotions, medicines, etc. On CVS online all of CVS brand products are 30% off with Free Shipping thru January 25Th. I am a huge fan of CVS diapers as I think they are great!! Plus the nice thing about CVS is you are in-and-out in no time at all, and there is never a long wait to check out!!! A big Plus to shopping there!!
Happy Shopping!! Happy Savings too!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:58 PM
Saturday, January 5
Chilly...Still...Why Not Cook????
Still a little chilly here...so what better to do than cook up some great food??!! I am not a chef by any means.....hubby will surely vouch for that!!! LOL!! But I do have a few great recipes to share......I love to have company over and start off with some Yummy appetizers to pick on as we talk and laugh.......Here is a good one you must try.....(I know, I know, where was I with the delicious recipes a few weeks ago when you had a zillion places to go/or had a million people stopping by your place...I do apologize for the lateness...) The roast recipe is killer...this was passed onto me and it is a big hit in my family....even if you burn toast you can make this just perfectly!!
--Taco Dip--
1 16oz container of Sour Cream
1 jar Salsa (must be thick and chunky)
1 package (8 oz.) shredded Cheddar Cheese or Taco Blend
1/2 head iceberg lettuce shredded
2 medium sized ripe tomatoes diced
1/2 packet Taco Seasoning Mix
Mix together the salsa, taco seasoning mix and sour cream in a small bowl. Using a spatula transfer the mixture into a glass Pyrex dish or disposable lasagna foil tray(make for easy transport) Then place lettuce on top, then layer on the diced tomatoes, then sprinkle on all the cheese. Refrigerate for a half hour then serve with Tortilla Chips for dipping.
Note: If you premake the mixture...place the lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese on the top just before guests arrive....this will prevent soggy lettuce!!
--The Best Roast--
One Bottom Round Roast (about 4-5 lbs)
3 cans Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 packet of Onion Soup Mix
Cut the fat off the roast (if any). Put all ingredients in the crock pot and let cook on low for about 5-6 hours.
Note-Crock Pot temperatures vary, so check on it periodically the first time you make.
This roast is perfect with mashed potatoes, corn, and a salad. Use the extra gravy from the roast for your mashed potatoes. YUM!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:47 PM
Labels: recipes
Friday, January 4
So COLD....Stay Warm WIth These!!!!
It is absolutely freezing here...But in a few days a Warm up is about to occur.....so exited...cannot wait!!! So tired of the cold.....if it was snowing at least it would be cold and pretty too...LOL!! Anyway, I am thinking warm thoughts.....probably because I am so stinking cold.......So here are a few Deals to keep keep you nice and toasty.....Right now Amazon has these Pike Street 135-Gram Printed Flannel Queen Sheet Set, Lilacs for ONLY $8.99.....They also have these Pike Street 135-Gram Solid Flannel Twin Sheet Set, Ivory for $6.99 as well.

Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:25 PM
Thursday, January 3
Walk in to the New Year Right......
Well not sure about you...but I have been buying, buying, and buying for everyone else lately with the holidays and all that I neglected myself in shopping for me.....LOL LOL Sounds pretty good right??!! Just trying to make it seem okay to buy for myself!! I think it is working just fine! Well, right now Shoe buy is having some great Clearance Deals and you can save 20% more when you use code ENDYEAR07 at checkout. Coupon expires on the 7Th of January..so Hurry!! Shoe Buy is great..in fact I ordered a few presents from them and it worked out great!! They have lightening FAST shipping and a Super Easy return system, and best of all Shipping is FREE!!
While you are shopping for yourself...why not check out NY and Company...they are having a GREAT 70% off End-of-Season sale......To save even more enter promotion code 7450 at checkout.(Save $25 off of $50) They have this KHAKI LUREX STRIPE Shirt for only $14.99 (regularly $34.95). Time to stock up!!!
Well, I think that is enough spoiling yourself for one day...or at least hubby might think so...SO more deals tomorrow!!
Good Night!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:23 PM