Well, we headed out to Sam's tonight to get the rest of the party goods....we first headed to the bakery to pick up the birthday cake we had orderedthe week before. Guess what? There was No cake made??!! WOW!! How do you have a party without a cake?? Well, the bakery manager (I am assuming that is who he was) Came right over and asked if we would substitute an already made cake made this morning instead of our pre-ordered cake? So, he walked us over to all the cakes he had on display and we were able to pick out the one we wanted...for FREE!!! Yes, he said it was on the house for the inconvenience!! Plus he threw in some cupcakes as well!! WOW....I was pretty impressed!
Most times these days you go into a store and there is absolutely NO customer service at all. So then when you actually receive good customer service, you are a bit shocked!! Not exactly the way it should be....but just a reality, unfortunately.
So anyway, kudos to Sam's Club for their outstanding customer service...it is greatly appreciated by me!!
Friday, February 29
Great Customer Service!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:30 PM
Labels: My Opinion
Kohl's Sale!!
Starting tomorrow Kohl's is having a Super Saturday sale....if you would like to shop online instead..they are offering FREE shipping with any order of $75 or more! Remember the sale is tomorrow ONLY!! Stock up for spring items now...the warm weather will hopefully be arriving real soon...lol lol I hope anyway!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:14 AM
Thursday, February 28
Few Freebies!!!
Couple Freebies for you...Enjoy!!
Purina Heathful Life Cat Food Sample
Pledge Multi-Surface Wipes Sample
Curel Life Stages Moisturizer
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:35 PM
Walmart...Price Differences....
Today while I was at Walmart..the brick and mortar store I had to return an ipod case I had bought hubby online last week. So I took in the case with my packing slip and did the return.....And on the register popped up $19.86 as the total....then on my original packing slip I noticed it said $11.54.
I asked the associate if prices are that much higher in store than on line?? She said on a large amount of items that is the case....WOW!! I was surprised!! It is so much easier to shop online than in-store...and now may be a bunch cheaper too!! Especially with all the items they always have that offer .97 cent shipping to your home!!
So shop wisely...look online first!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
1:50 PM
Labels: Savings
My Rant About a Visa Gift Card....
Where do I begin......Well, hubby and I received a Visa Gift Card this past Christmas. Thought it was a great gift!! Until we tried to use it...lol The original gift card amount was $100. We went out to dinner used it no problem, used it at Dunkin Donuts, no problem, Car Wash, no problem....
Then the trouble started!! We had about $35 left on the card...so we were at Marshall's and our total was over $35...so when the associate would swipe the Visa Debit card it would come up declined!! Then we tried it at Target...our total was also over $35...so it was once again declined. The associate at Target told me that they have lots of trouble with these Visa cards all the time!! She said to call the # on the back of the card and find out my exact balance...so I followed her advice. I then went to Walmart purchased a few items used my Visa Gift Card and told the associate the exact amount on the card and it was accepted...just fine. Then went to Dunkin Donuts had $1.92 left on the card and my total was $3.XX and it was again declined. Today I went to Walmart again, and told the exact amount and it is now all used up!!! I guess, some stores can enter an exact amonut...while others are not always guven that option!
Man.....and hubby just got a few more of these as birthday gifts last week....YIKES!!
So my advice to you....is try to use them when you can use the whole amount on the card!! Otherwise it is not such a simple task as just pay and go at the register!! Some associates will try to help you with it....others are just plain old...Your wasting my time lady!! about the whole thing!!
When I received this I thought it was a great idea....you can use it anywhere! I did later realize that to activate the card it cost $3.95 on top of the amount you would like the gift card amount to be!! WOW!! Rip-Off!!! Just my 2 cents!! But, I just had to vent!!! Nothing better than just plain old cash in my opinion!!! Plus....it is a few dollars cheaper to give it too...NO activation fee required!! lol lol
Posted by
Miss Mommy
1:35 PM
Labels: My Opinion
Wednesday, February 27
Cheap DVD Rentals.....
The last place I would of ever thought to rent movies from is the library....BUT low and behold.....they have TONS of DVD movies (and Lots of VHS too!) you can rent very cheaply!! VHS at our libabry are free to rent! Our local library has DVD rental for just $1.00 for 7 nights. They also have newer releases for rental as well for $1.00 for three nights. This sure beats Blockbuster by far!! Plus at our local library if you cannot make it back by the due date, you can call over the phone to renew for a few more days...then NO late fees then! I know my son loves to go to the library to select a few books to borrow for a few days...and he loves the movies now too!! He gets so excited when we make our trip there!!
You may also want to check out your local library for great kids story times, crafts, movie times, book clubs, and even adult programs too!! Most are FREE or very, very low cost!! And lots of fun too!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:05 PM
Filling the Eggs!!
Well....we just got finished filling up the eggs for my daughter's birthday party.....my son and I that is. We had to wait until my little one was fast asleep, or else it would of been a HUGE Egg Mess!!! (I am sure you can just imagine!) Anyway we did the BIG grocery shop today....that was actually pretty easy....kiddies were great, store was empty, and they had all items on my list!! Yeah, love when that happens!! I am now on the search for a "Pin the Tail On..." game. I have been to a few stores with no avail....will try Walmart tomorrow. My son has the count down going....just 3 more sleeps!!! It's Fast approaching!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
4:42 PM
Tuesday, February 26
Simple Survey.....
I was at the mall last week for Mommy and Me and while I was signing in a lady approached me and asked if she could ask me a few questions...(I was a tad reluctant, but agreed) She asked just a few simple questions about the kiddies, I filled out a paper and she asked if I would be willing if I qualified to come in and take a survey for them. I said sure and continued on to the Mommy and Me program.
Forgetting all about it...a few days later they called me to set up my appointment time....well today was the day I went and took the survey. So simple, about an hour, and I made $50 for it!! It was a research company that preformed the survey, very simple asking about particular products I use for my baby.
The moral of the story........hey, next time you get stopped in the mall by a nice older lady with a clip board...stop a minute to see if you can make a quick couple of bucks....just taking a survey. I usually always say No Thanks, not interested and be on my way, for whatever reason that day, I listened and made out from it!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:06 PM
Labels: My Opinion
Kohl's Sale!!!
The spring weather is Fast approaching.....(Man....am I a wish-ful thinker or what!!) So if you are in need of some new clothes for the warmer weather......Kohl's is having a Two-Days Rush Hours Sale....PLUS shipping is just .99 cents per item!!
To save even more.....use code MVCPICKADAY to save an additional 15% off...must use your Kohl's Card!
Happy Shopping!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:02 PM
Who Likes a Free Breakfast???
Well, almost free I should say...as there is always a catch!! This Thursday and Friday McDonald's is giving away a FREE McSkillet Burrito with any medium or large drink purchase. Hey, you needed something to drink anyway, right?? Looks Yummy...Enjoy if you go!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:24 AM
Monday, February 25
A Busy Week......
We are having my daughters Birthday Party this Saturday.....so a little crazy around here this week!! I just finished up the party bags, ordered the cake, finished up making up a menu, and planned some kiddie games (Egg Hunt, Musical chairs, and pin the tail game)....
Now I only have to take a trip to the liquor store (I think I will be volunteering Hubby!!), get to Sam's, go to Shop Rite, clean my house, and make the food!! Well, maybe I was better off not listing it all....starting to feel a bit overwhelmed!! lol Oh, well it will all get done, I am sure.
And seeing my son so excited that his sister is having a party makes all the work well worth it!!
Now, he just wants to see her walk...so they can play outside together, he says.
**If you are looking for kids party supplies (party hats, kiddies favors, tablecloths with characters, etc.) Target has a bunch of party items at 50% off!! They had a ton of different stuff when I was there!!**
Posted by
Miss Mommy
6:29 PM
In Need of a New Digital??
At a great price, of course!! Well.....your in luck!! Office Max has this Kodak Easy Share M853 8.2 Mega pixel Digital Camera for just $119.00 this week! PLUS, it comes with a FREE memory Card too!! All you need is a case and you are good to go!!
We bought my in-laws the same camera for Christmas this year.....and they absolutely LOVE it!! They say it is very user friendly, take great photos, and is small enough to pop in your purse for on-the-go!
If you are in need....check it out!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:51 PM
Sunday, February 24
Computer Fun for the Little Ones!!
Do you have a little one curious about the computer? The Fisher-Price Easy-Link Internet Launch Pad is a great learning tool for your little one to learn how to play games, learn the keyboard, and explore the Internet in a safe way (it blocks access to other sites). My niece has it and loves to play it!! My son goes over and is able to log on by himself and start playing right away! They also sell additional keys for more character fun too! Walmart has it down to $10.00 right now...think Easter!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:28 PM
Need Diapers This Week??
Your in luck!! Starting today......here are a few deals I have found!!
CVS- CVS Brand Premium Diapers and Training Pants 2 /$12.99
Shop Rite- Luvs Diapers $7.99 a jumbo pack
And if you are a Pampers Lover.......
Target- Super Mega Jumbo Packs on sale fro $18.49....Buy 2 packs and get a FREE $5 Gift Card.
Don't forget to use your manufacturer's coupons to save even more!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:05 AM
Saturday, February 23
Free Sundae, Free Tide.....
Found another Birthday Freebie....Free 2.5 oz scoop at Baskin Robbins on your birthday...sign up here!
Free Sample of Tide with Dawn Stain Scrubbers....
Happy Freebies to You!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:51 PM
Have Your Kiddies Made a Spectacled Bear??
Posted by
Miss Mommy
1:32 PM
Labels: Kiddies
Friday, February 22
We Had a Snow Day!!!!
Or at least a snow morning...anyway...as it is now raining out and melting pretty fast!!
But....we will take what we can get!! My son has had his snow pants, boots, and snow gloves out waiting for snow for as long as winter has been here this year. He was so excited when his Pop Pop told him yesterday that snow was coming for tomorrow...he could not even fall asleep last night...kept getting up out of bed to look out the window!! Then he was up like toast this morning by 7 am!! We got all dressed and headed out to try to build a snowman. Not quite the right kind of snow, but we did have a great time throwing snowballs, making snow angels and pushing the snow around with his tractor!! My sister brought her kids over too...so as all of us had a great snowy day!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
5:16 PM
Pampers Points...Are You Kidding Me????
As you know...I am not a loyal diaper brand buyer.....but over the past year have bought a lot (in my opinion) of Pampers diapers...... thanks to the sales on them at Walmart, CVS and Shop Rite!! Well Pampers has a rewards system in place..called Go to Grow, you simply enter the code found on all diapers and wipes packages on their website and you collect points. It ranges in point value depending on the count in the package..usually from 1-5 points though.
Well, around late November and in December the website was out of the the few items my son actually wanted to get, so...... we held out until now....as the rewards products have all changed and are now in stock!! Well, I also believe the points you need to earn for a prize went up a bit too!! Anyway, my son picked out a DVD for 60 points....I cashed out 60 of my points and then was charged $5.00 for shipping the DVD to my home! WOW!! So much for a reward, right??!!
I received most of my points from the jumbo packs of diapers....you get 3 points per package...so 60 points/3=20.......That means I had to purchase 20 package of diapers plus pay $5.00 all for a DVD that I could of purchased at Toys R Us, or better yet Half.com for under $15!! I am just not seeing how the rewards program they have is so great?? Personally, I think it stinks!!! Just my 2 cents...but man I feel so good that I got that ALL out!! Any experience with the Papers Points Rewards Program??
Posted by
Miss Mommy
12:47 AM
Labels: My Opinion
Thursday, February 21
Playskool Diapers......
These diapers are just great in my book....they are a CVS item only!! They are a bit pricey but do on occasion go on sale...and with this $3 off coupon too they are very affordable!! They are very absorbent in my experience, and run pretty true to size. If they go on sale before the coupon expires...you should give them a try!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
5:13 PM
Are You Brand Loyal??
Do you have to have name brand items in everything that you buy?? Are you a Huggies only purchaser? Hellman's mayo only buyer? Are name brands the only good ones out there?? You can sometimes save a bundle using store-brands...Would you dare??
Well, I am split on this question myself.....I have a few items that I will only buy one brand, and one brand only!!
For example, Ketchup.....It just has to be Heinz.....or for some reason my burger just isn't the same?? I know, I know what you are thinking........at the restaurants I may visit to get that nice juicy burger I once in a while crave......they probably use some knock-off brand that no one has ever heard off...yet it tastes great to me?? Maybe it is in my head?? Even my son has said to me a few times when we were at someone else's house..."Mom, this ketchup tastes funny?" Maybe it's a family thing??
Diapers....This can be very costly, and I am not brand loyal at all.....I will happily use Luvs, Huggies, Pampers, Target Brand Supreme, CVS Supreme, and even Shop Rite's brand. All with No complaints at all!! If there is a good deal on any brand diaper, and I have a coupon I will happily give them a try!!
Flushable Toddler Wipes- Huggies has their Clean Team wipes...which are $1.64 at Walmart (refill packs) and when they have coupons out for $1.00 off a pack...these are the ones to buy!! If not Walmart has Parent's Choice Toddler flushable wipes 42 count for just .97 cents!! I heck of a lot cheaper than Pampers brand that go for like $3.29 or so!!
Laundry Detergent- Although, I am the 1st person to agree that Tide smells great and does a great job getting stains out but.....If you are an avid Pre-wash user (Spray and wash is great!) like me....any kind of liquid laundry detergent will do the job just fine for me!! For as much wash as I do...I would go broke to be so brand loyal...lol
Bread- Wow!! Has a loaf of bread really gone up in price or what!! I think the regular price now is at about $2.99 or so!! I remember back when a loaf was just .89 cents!! I am not really brand loyal..but there are only a few brands I will buy. Hubby and I are a little picky in this department! If you are a Sam's member or another club's member you can usually get a better deal than at the Supermarket...but you do have to buy 2 loaves though....not a problem here!! lol
Always remember...that if you are hooked on a certain brand and if you can stockpile a bit when it goes on sale...DO IT!! That is the best way to save on things you know you like and will be sure to use!!!
Are you brand loyal?? Certain things you like to buy?? Why so?? I would love to hear??
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:17 AM
Labels: Savings
Wednesday, February 20
My Baby is ONE Today..Yeah!!!
I just cannot believe it...time flies when you are having fun...the saying is so true!! We had a great day!! We picked up our Free cake from Shop Rite and sang to her....she just had the puzzled look on her face...like we were all crazy or something??!! My son was so excited it was his sister's big day...he just LOVES birthdays!! We are having her party next weekend....that is when will will give her a cake to see what she will do with it....knowing her...throw the whole cake on the floor like she does with her sippy cup from the high chair! I swear she likes the dropping sound it makes....OH yeah if you are in the mood for a piece of cake....I wish I could pass it over to you via the
computer....we have LOTS left over!! Have you ever had a cake from Shop Rite?? If so you know why I have almost the whole cake left, I am sure!!!! Back to Sam's for us!!!
And of course for her birthday, what else would I buy her but toys.....this week until Saturday, Toys R US has Buy 1 Fisher Price infant toys $19.99 and up and get another toys FREE (up to $19.99)!!!
**In case you are shopping for a great toy for your little one.....the ones pictured (Sing Along Stage and Learning House) my daughter has and absolutely loves them both!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:20 PM
Free Samples...Gotta Love Them!!
Here are a few freebies for you to feast on!! As always...we love freebies here!!
True Lemon- Great product for flavoring water
Diaper Goop - Diaper Rash cream (Never know when you may need!)
Greenies - For your pets!!
Always - For the ladies....unfortunetly!!
Happy Freebie--ing!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:40 AM
Tuesday, February 19
Birthday Dress...Tough Task!!
Well, my daughter's first birthday is fast approaching and I am on the hunt for a cute dress for the BIG party day...WOW what a task it has been!! I have been to Old Navy...to get in on the Baby Sale savings...but have left twice with no dress in hand! I have also been to Macy's, Ross, Marshall's, TJ Maxx, Target and Kohl's...with no avale! Maybe I am being way too picky?? Or maybe everyone else in the area is also trying to find a baby girls dress in size 18 months?? Not quite sure...but I do know one thing, shopping for boys is a piece of cake...lol...lol A pair of khaki pants and a dress shirt and he is all set for his birthday outfit.....and I would of bought all that at the first store...lol Well my search continues....in hopes that it will improve soon...as to not miss the party, I hope...lol
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:51 PM
Need A Magazine to Read???
I found a great deal on Parents Magazine...just $4.69 for a years subscription!! I know, I know, I already get too many magazines as it is...this site is way too addictive!! The magazines I have been getting are just great!! Lots of recipes, stories I can relate too (funny kiddie ones...you thought no one else could possibly be experiencing too...lol), tips, coupons, and more!! When you sign up it takes about 8 weeks in my experience to get your 1st magazine...but for the price..well worth the wait!!
Happy Reading!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:41 AM
Monday, February 18
Have Your Kids Play-doh-ed lately??
If your little ones need some Playdoh...think great Easter basket filler, Amazon has this Play-Doh Super Craft Caddy for 1/2 price...just $10!! Ships FREE if you use Super Saver shipping and spend $25!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:56 PM
Love Those ExtraBucks...You??
Another great week for deals at CVS this week!!
For all you chocolate lover's...they have Reese’s, York, Kit Kat or Hershey’s Easter Candy for just .99 cents a bag... if you have not already filled up on Thursday from Valantines' Day...lol
On theback page of the circular if you buy $30 worth of the products shown you earn $15 in ExtraBucks!! Participating products include Huggies diapers ($1 coupons in last Sundays Paper), Kotez ($1 coupons in this Sundays paper), Energizer (coupon$1 in last Sunday's paper) and more!!
They also have Colgate toothpaste for just .99 after $2.00 Extrabucks reward (use coupon from last Sundays paper to save an additional $1!)
Happy CVS-Ing!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:48 PM
Sunday, February 17
Less Than 1 Year Away......
That is when analog broadcasts will end. Because of this the Government is offering $40 coupons towards the purchase of a converter box. If you do not have cable or direct TV you will need a converter box to get regular free/over the air TV. They estimate the cost at $50-$70. They will start mailing out the coupons next month and they will be valid for 90 days. Just a heads up!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:54 PM
A Way to Save On The Peditrician Visit!
If you have a new baby...you know that visiting the Peditrician's office is a regular thing...for very good reasons! You also must know how great Lysol products are!! Well, Lysol is now running a promo where if you purchase any 2 Lysol products and visit the Peditrician you can get $5 back. Offer valid unitl March 31. 2008. If you have not tried Lysol wipes yet, they are wonderful!! I use them daily to sanitize the toys, learning tables, counters, and even in the bathroom as well!! They are great for the in-between-cleans!! They also have out a mini purse size Lysol spray....it is just perfect to use to sanitize the shopping carts at the store when you forget the Shopping Cart Cover...whoops.....only on occasion!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:12 AM
Like Buffalo wings...Try This Recipe!!!
It is always a BIG hit at any part we have or attend!! You are sure to be greatly loved for making it!! Trust me!! It is very easy and very yummy!!
Buffalo Chicken Dip Recipe......
You will need:
-2- large boneless chicken breasts
-1/2 jar FRANKS'S Buffalo Wing Sauce
-1- 8 oz. Cream Cheese Softened (Not lowfat)
-1- Package Shredded Cheddar Cheese (8 oz.)
- 3/4 cup Blue Cheese Dressing
Trim the Chicken breasts and bake in oven until done. Remove from oven let cool about 10 minutes. Cut up into small pieces...or break apart. Set aside. In a medium sized bowl mix together cream cheese, blue cheese dressing and buffalo wing sauce. Next stir in 1/2 package of cheese. Add in chicken and mix. Place mixture in Glass Pan (pyrex) and sprinkle cheese over the top. Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes...once cheese on top is melted and bubbly. Serve with celery sticks and Tortilla chips.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:51 AM
Labels: recipes
Saturday, February 16
Redbox....A Night For Free!!
Have you seen the big Red Box movie rental case in Shop Rite...or perhaps Acme...maybe Wegmans?? Hubby and I discovered them a while back...they are now everywhere...even some McDonald's have them now! They rent you movies using your debit/credit card for only $1.00 a night plus tax. You can now even rent online and pick-up at the location of your choice. Well to promote the service Red Box is offering one Free night's movie rental...rent today and it is due back tomorrow night by 9 pm.....and the best part is if you do not make it back by 9...they just charge another dollar for another day!! We have been renting from them for a good while and love it!! They get new releases every Tuesday too! It is fast, convenient, and cheap!! Try them...it's addictive!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:19 PM
Friday, February 15
Yummy....Must Try These!!!
Yummy...Must Try These!!
***Taco Dip***
You will need:-1- 16 oz container of Sour Cream (not Nonfat)-1- 8 oz (approx. 2 cups) package shredded Cheddar Cheese or Taco Blend Cheese-1- jar Thick and Chunky Medium Salsa (Ortega works well)-1/2- head of iceburg lettuce shredded-2- medium sized red tomatoes (diced)-1/2- packet Taco Seasoning Mix In small bowl mix together sour cream, taco seasoning mix and salsa. Spread onto pan (disposable tin pan or Pyrex glass pan work well). Next top with lettuce, cheese and tomato. Serve with Tortilla Chips. Enjoy!!
Buffalo Chicken Dip Recipe......
You will need:-2- large boneless chicken breasts-1/2 jar FRANK'S Buffalo Wing Sauce-1- 8 oz. Cream Cheese Softened (Not low fat)-1- Package Shredded Cheddar Cheese (8 oz.)- 3/4 cup Blue Cheese Dressing Trim the Chicken breasts and bake in oven until done. Remove from oven let cool about 10 minutes. Cut up into small pieces...or break apart. Set aside. In a medium sized bowl mix together cream cheese, blue cheese dressing and buffalo wing sauce. Next stir in 1/2 package of cheese. Add in chicken and mix. Place mixture in Glass Pan (Pyrex) and sprinkle cheese over the top. Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes...once cheese on top is melted and bubbly. Serve with celery sticks and Tortilla chips. Enjoy!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:31 PM
Labels: recipes
Walmart Baby Sale...Going on Now!!

Posted by
Miss Mommy
4:04 PM
Valentine's Clearance!!
Well, Valentine's Day is all but over...Hope you got your fix of flowers, candy, balloons, kisses, hugs, treats...and more!!! So now guess what time it is??? Time for Valentine's Clearance!!! YEAH!! One of the best parts of the holiday....J/K better not tell hubby that...or maybe there won't be a Happy Hearts Day for me next year...You think?? lol lol Well... since Valentines is all over Victoria's Secret is having a Clearance sale on all the sexy stuff you may not have received yesterday...or maybe just a simple new pair of Pajamas you need? And to make the deals even better, here are a few coupon codes to make you smile more!!
SP89841 - Free Pink dog with any pink purchase (worked for me on $3.99 clearance panties)
(exp. 3/12/08)
SP89781 - Free Beach Tote with any Beach Sexy Swim Purchase (the clearance section has an entire set for $5.99) (exp. 3/12/08)
SP89145 - $5 off your first order (exp. 3/1/08)
SP810393 - $15 off $100 - Works on clearance merchandise (exp. 2/29/08)
SP89325 - Free Shipping & Returns on on purchases of $100 or more (exp. 3/21/08)
Also on Clearance are all Valentine's Related items....I was at Old Navy today and all there Valentine's Pajamas, dog sweaters, collars, Kids T-shirts, etc. were all 50% off!! And at Michael's Arts and crafts they had all there Hearts Day stuff 50 % off as well!! They had LOTS of Wreaths, crafts for the kiddies, paper treat bags, stickers, foam items...and LOTS more!! I bought my son some stickers and markers at 50% off!! They are adorable!! So if you are out and about this weekend you may want to check it out!!
Happy Savings!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:29 PM
Thursday, February 14
Birthday Freebies!!!
What could be better than a FREE meal on your kids birthday??? My son loves to go out on his birthday....and Absolutely LOVES it when they sing Happy Birthday to him as a big group at the resturant table!! Maybe you have a kiddie that enjoys the same?? If so, here are just a few freebies I found to make a great FUN deal for the birthday kid.....
Perkins- Free Kids Meal
Friendly's- Free ice cream
Bob Evans- Free Kids Meal
Happy Birthday...whenever it may be!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:14 PM
Labels: Freebies
Happy Hearts Day to You!!!
Just wanted to wish you all a very Happy Valentines Day today!! I hope you gets lots of goodies from your loved one......you deserve it!!!
Here is a freebie to warm your little heart up!!
Purex sample
Posted by
Miss Mommy
1:28 PM
Wednesday, February 13
Kohl's....At it Again!!
Kohl's is at it again with another sale!! That's good for us!! Perfect time to stock up for the spring and summer...and maybe even get a few Clearance deals that may be left!!
Free Shipping use code: MVC3905
Save 30% off your order when you use your Kohl's Charge Feb 13- 18 when you use code:
PRESIDENT30 at checkout.
They will allow you to use up to 2 coupons codes per order...so rack up!!
Happy Shopping!!
Oh and remember...Kohl's sells out FAST so fill up your cart and check out...quickly!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:07 PM
Cleaning Out!! Cheaply Too!!
Well, here are two great ways to stay organized this week....Clean out...or Clean up!!! If you chose Clean out...EBay today ONLY has listing fees for $.20!! A great deal! I am sure if you are like me...you have a ton of junk (or at least you think it is junk...lol) lying around that someone else my love to buy!! Just think of it as helping out others while helping out yourself too!! Plus you can make a little cash while doing it!! It is so fun to see just how much your junk can sell for!! Like a rush, really!!
If you choose to clean up instead, my sister was at Target today and they have there toy bin organizers for just $30.....they are regularly $60!! They are the real nice sturdy ones too!! I have one from there and LOVE it!! I am sure they will go FAST so if you are on the hunt...better hurry!! Maybe someone else is trying to organize all the Christmas stuff too?!!
Well Happy Cleaning!! You will feel great when you are all done I am sure!!
Talk Soon!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
4:58 PM
Tuesday, February 12
Diapers...On the RISE!!
Well...as mentioned a while back...the diaper price hikes are here!!!! I was in Target and noticed that the price of their brand diapers are now $6.49...they were $5.74 a pack. (I have not used their brand in sometime......but I had a coupon for $1.00 off a pack of Target diapers or wipes) So not only are Huggies and Pampers going up...so are the store brand too!! So...that means this is your last week to stockpile!!!
CVS has a Procter and Gamble deal this week until Saturday....Buy $20 worth of P&G products and get $5 Extra Bucks. So....buy 2 packs of Pampers diapers (on sale for $8.99) and either a tube of Crest toothpaste (on sale for $2.50), a container of cascade dishwasher detergent (on sale for $3.49) , or 3 Dawn dish soaps (on sale for .99 each) and then get $5 Extra Buck that will print on your receipt!! Don't forget to use your Pampers coupons in this weeks P&G insert (1.00 off) as well as the Crest Coupon (1.00 off) and/or Cascade coupon to save EVEN more!! Or if you lucky enough to have coupons they sent you in the mail use them instead...usually higher values!! Remember you only need to spend $20 to get the $5 Extra bucks...so stay as close to $20 as possible to get the best deal!!!
Happy Extra---Bucking!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:37 PM
Woking Out......I'm Doing It!!
Well, I decided this year that I was going to start back up with working out (exercising)...at least a few times a week...After I had my son over 4 years ago I worked out everyday for over a year...then, well I got lazy I guess??!! Then I got pregnant with my daughter, had her...and now it is time to get back in shape!! I missed the always feeling great, not tired approach to my day....the BEST part of working out for me!!
I know how I am, and with the kiddies and all...I have to do a workout in about 30 minutes or less.....and I cannot get board of it, or I will quit! So I have been doing Leslie Sansone...Walk Away the Pounds......She is great...Oh and the workout is good too!! She has many different workouts to choose from......walking, using free weights, stretch bands, jogging, or a mixture of them all!! Most workout are about 20 minutes...a few a tad longer at about 30 minutes. I switch it up........have three different DVDs.....so as not to get bored of the same workout and also getting to use different muscles everyday!!
I bought the free weight at Walmart for about $5 or so...well worth it!! (A few years back...may of went up a bit in price?) Some of her DVDs even come with the weight balls or stretch band. If you have been contemplating starting to work out.....give Leslie a try!! Trust me if I can do it...so can you!!
P.S.-If you have Comcast On Demand....they have Leslie in several different workouts in the Exercise Walking Section!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
5:05 PM
Labels: My Opinion
Monday, February 11
All You...And a Freebie Too!!
I received this magazine called All You in my mailbox last month....I did not order, it was a complimentary 6 issue trial.......I just love getting Free Things in the mail...especially good things!! lol Anyway, it is a great magazine...has beauty tips, financial info., lots, and lots of very easy and yummy recipes, and lots of coupons too!! I am pretty impressed by it..not page after page of advertisements either!! That is the worst kind of magazine...right?? Right now, on the website they are offering 2 FREE issues on their website....or they have it on on Amazon as well.
Freebie for ya....... Want natural-looking summer color faster than ever before? Try a sample of Jergens Natural Glow Express Body Moisturizer.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:06 PM
Baby & Kids Sale....
Old Navy is having their twice of year baby sale...it started on Saturday and runs until Feb.21. 2008. All baby and kids items are 40% off! No...it is not like Clearance at 70-80% off but...these are great prices for the start of the spring/summer season!! If you shop online...as always shipping is just a flat $5..Great deal!! My kids ca vouch for that...being that they do not have to step foot in the brick n mortar! I have not been to the sale yet...plan to go maybe this week...I will post what I find...if I do find that is.
Happy Savings!!
**BTW** Maternity fashions are also on sale at 25% off!! Not needed here...but maybe there...lol
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:06 AM
Sunday, February 10
Do you Shop-Rite????
If you don't this is a great week to start!! This week they have a few great buys worth checking out.....
*Huggies Diapers $7.99 jumbo pack (coupon in this weeks Sunday coupons as well for $1.00 off a pack!) **Remember Diaper prices are going to rise real soon...so STOCK UP if you can!!**
*Perdue Boneless Chicken Breats $1.99 lb
*Electrolsol Gel Tabs $2.24 (Plus use the .50 cents off coupon in this weeks Sunday coupons...will double to $1.00 off!!)
*Dove Soap Six Bar Pack for $4.99....I know, I know a little pricey fror soap...but Dove Soap is my vice...lol (Also use the $1.00 off coupon in the Sunady paper a few weeks back)
*Soaftsoap Pump Liquid soap just $1.00 (use the .35 cenys off coupon in the Sunday paper from last week...it will double to .70 cents off!)
And if you really want to splurge for Hearts Day...They have Beef Rib Steak for $4.99 lb!! Ohh and if you like roses...they have them on sale this week too.....maybe get yourself a bunch...you deserve it!!
Happy Savings!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
4:38 PM
Free Pancakes...At IHOP!
YUM!! Can you tell I am hungry right now?? This Tuesday 2/12 IHOP is giving away a short stack (3 pancakes) for FREE from 7 am to 10 pm. This is to support the Children's Miracle Network. Enjoy if you can go!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:33 AM
Saturday, February 9
FREE...On your Birthday!!!
WOW! Found a great Freebie on your birthday..... Join the Birthday Club and receive a coupon for a .....Free Love it sized Signature Creation at Cold Stone Creamery......If you have never had Cold Stone before...it is very yummy!! And even yummier when it is free, of course!!
Happy Eating!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:53 PM
Labels: Freebies
Happy Saturday!!
Wow! Where has the day gone?? Busy, Busy, Busy....I am sure you are having the same problem!! To much too do...to little time on the weekend! Today I took my son to see his best friend, he hasn't seen him in about a month or so.....he has been missing him...LOTS!! So we spent the day at thier house today...they had a great time playing board games, cars, trucks...and more!! They are the best of friends....it is so cute!! He even wanted his little friend to come stay over at our house tonight! Well he is fast asleep after a long hard day at Kids Club this morning and then playing at his friends!
After two days on the go...tomorrow will be a home day...we all need it...lol..lol
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:48 PM
Friday, February 8
Hubby's Birthday Today....
The BIG 3-0...Yup....I have an oldie, but a goodie, of course!!! lol We had a great day....a nice family day, out to breakfast, opened up some gifts, cake for dessert...and now about to sit down together and watch a movie.....kiddies are fast asleep...(a no nap day today). My son was so excited about his daddy's birthday...he made him a pet caterpillar and a picture for him to take to work ....he even wrapped it up for him. And at 8:20 this morning when he woke up...he bursted threw our bedroom door with so much excitement to give Daddy his present he had made!! It was so cute!! He then gave the presents we had bought for his Daddy at the store...but he said they were from Mommy and sister....lol...lol He cracks me up!!
Well off to the sofa...talk soon.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:23 PM
Macy's Is Great!!
Well, I purchased a wedding shower gift last week at Macy's and this week they sent out a sales flier and it was $10 cheaper...WHAT?? And I thought I got a good deal last week...ha ha! Well they were great about it.....just brought in my reciept and they credited my card. That simple! Macy's has wonderful customer service...and this proves it. While I was there of course I did a little shopping they are having a great clearance sale...PLUS an additional 15% off if you use your Macy's Card...I got my daughter about 10 shirts all for under $4.00 a shirt....most at around $3.00. Nothing for my son except for a pair of snow bib pants fro next winter...only $5.59...regularly $24.99....great deal! Actually, only a great deal if it actually snows here next winter...lol...lol The sale runs threw the weekend. Check it out if you get time!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:17 PM
Labels: My Opinion
Thursday, February 7
Free Cake.....Cool!!
Well, I guess I should of put for baby's 1st Birhday in the title, I guess. But man, I had your attention for a good minute didn't I??? My daughter's 1st Birthday is fast approaching and getting the right cake is soo important......in our family, anyway!! lol lol We always order my sons birthday cake from Sams Club...if you have yet to try one....they are so very yummy!! (Wuith the NON-Refriderated Icing!!) Not real sweet, just perfect...and they let you choose from about 40 or so different themes...VERY important to a 4 year old, you know!! Well, I just found out that a few of our local supermarkets give you a free 1/4 sheet cake for a 1st birthday...WOW!! I am impressed!! Our local Acme and ShopRite both offer this!! I hate to not get a SAMS cake, since we always hear at our parties how great the cake is...but I did have an Acme cake a few years back that was pretty good...and you know me....pass up a FREE cake...I doubt it!!!
Just in case your littles ones 1st Birthday is coming up I just wanted to let you know.....I will post after my daughters party just how the cake was!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:05 PM
Free Shipping at BabyCenter!!!

Posted by
Miss Mommy
1:47 PM
Wednesday, February 6
Valentine's Gifts...Do you have one yet???
Guess what...time is running out.....only 8 more days until Valentine's Day...better hurry up if you have not alreday picked up something for your loved one!! If you have no idea what to get...Overstock is here to help!! Plus...they have LOTS of items that ship for FREE...just look for the icon!! They even put items in price range categories for you!! How nice of them.....
Happy Shopping!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:35 PM
Car Seat...I got mine!!!!
Well...I have great news!!! Yes, I actually made up my mind and bought my daughter a new convertible car seat....You would not believe just how excited hubby is to finally not hear me talk about car seat straps, color choices, differentfeatures, prices, etc.!!! Sometimes I wonder if the online reviews are actually a bad thing for a consumer...like me anyway...I was so afraid to make the wrong choice! Well, I finally just went for it....it should arrive in a few days...and I will be sure to let you know if my decision was a good one.....Since I know you care so much!!! lol
In my car seat online travels, I did come across this Graco Turbo Booster SafeSeat Youth Booster for only $39.99 (Reg. 89.99). Plus it ships for Free using Super Saving Shipping. It has great reviews as well....in case you are a reveiw nut like me...lol
Maybe you need one??
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:49 PM
Tuesday, February 5
It's Almost Time for FRIDAYS!!!!
As soon as you print this $5/15 purchase coupon that is!!!! Treat yourself and hubby to a nice meal out.....and the best part is you can save money doing it...You deserve it!!! Or just go for dessertyou must try a slice of their delicious Vanilla Bean Cheescake....YUMMY!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:02 PM
Kohl's Clearance Sale.....
Kohl's is at it again with a good Clearance Sale....remember...they sell out real fast online so if you like something add it to your cart and check out ASAP!! The best part is they are allowing you to use 2 coupons codes per order!!! Sounds great to me!!! Use code MVCCHARGE15 to save 15% off your order and use code MVC9505 for FREE SHIPPING!! You must use your Kohl's charge to take advantage of the offers though......And...PLEASE make sure to pay it off in full when the bill comes in.....just a friendly reminder....Okay, okay I'll stop preeching now...lol...lol I picked up just a few items for the kiddos....They also have some maternity items on clearance like these...Oh Baby by Motherhood Ripstop Cargo Shorts for ONLY $3.00!!! All sizes are still available too!! Think Summer...it's just around the corner...YEAH!! They also have this pair of Hanes 2-pc. Gray Plaid Sleepwear Set for ONLY $8.40!! Most sizes still available as well!
Happy Shopping!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:17 PM
Monday, February 4
Few Kitchen Deals!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:09 PM
Can You Believe It??
Don't you just hate it when you are on the look out for something you need and you just cannot find it at the cheapest price.....so you end up just buying it because you need it...(Or at least you think you do!!) Well, that just happened to me...I was on the prowl for a new set of silverware....of course, I could not find an amazing deal on it...so I just bought it at an pretty good price (I thought, anyway) then today I see this......Cambridge Silversmiths "Evanston" 45-Piece Set for ONLY $15.00!!! WOW!! I do love our new set...we ate with real forks last night at dinner...NOT plastic...can you believe it.....It seemed to fancy almost...lol Anyway if you are inneed of a new silverware set thus one seems like a great buy!! Just thought I would pass along!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
12:47 PM
Sunday, February 3
Weekly Deals...FREE STUFF!!
A few great deals for the week ahead...that I came across.....
CVS is at it again wirth the Great Extra Bucks Deals!!! They have New Garnier Fructis Shampoo or Conditioner FREE after $3.99 Extra Bucks reward!! Also use your $1.00 off coupon in this Sundays Paper to make a $1.00 on the deal!! And if you are M&M lover like my family is they have the big bags (11-14 oz) 2/$2 after Extra Bucks savings of $2!! (Plus use the $1.00/2 bags from last Sunday's insert...to get 2 bags for a total of $1.00!!)) For the ladies they have Maybelline Eyeshadow Trio for FREE after $5.49 on Extra Bucks!! I am making my way there in just a bit to stock up...lol
Target also has a few GREAT Baby deals this week...They have the Robeez look-a-likes for just $10....(my daughter needs a pair....trying to entice her to start walking.... all she likes to do is take off her current shoes...lol ) Maybe these will help...I hope??!! They also have the Big family packs of Luvs diapers for $15.99...buy 2 boxes and get a FREE $5 giftcard!! Lots of Carseats on sale this week as well...Evenflo Comfort Sport, Britax and more!!
ShopRite has Pampers on sale this week...jumbo packs for just $7.99....The new Baby Bucks cycle starts today as well! They also have Marcal Toilet Paper and Paper towels big pack for just $3.99...Don't foget to use the $1.00/2 coupon in this Sundays coupon insert too!
Well, I am heading outside to enjoy the beautiful day with the family!!
Have a Great Day!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
1:31 PM
Saturday, February 2
Shopping Saturday...By Myself??!!
WOW!! Where has the day Gone?? It flew by so fast...I headed out to Macy's today all by my lonesome.....I think I made that sound bad....not my intesion at all!! I never get to the store by myself..but I did today! Kinda cool....I actually had time to look around and actaully see all they have to offer for sale at Macy's today...lol Anyway, I headed there for a wedding shower present and made out great!! I got up, dropped my son off at Kids Club, and headed over at around 10:30 am. No one there..it was great!! I even managed to get a few deals on some nice shirts for my daughter...Clearance, of course!! Then I headed over to Ross....I am so tired of eating with Plastc forks at dinner every night...SO I finally broke down and bought new silverware!! I'm kidding it was a great deal!! An Oneida set...servive for eight for under $35!! Awesome deal!! I am thrilled...I cannot wait to eat tomorrow just to be able to use a real fork...lol Well, off to bed I head....hope you had a great day!
Talk soon!
Good Night.
Deals tomorrow...come by and check!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:12 PM
Friday, February 1
Freebie Friday...YEAH!!
Well....I thought since it is Friday and all...why not share some freebies!! Great Idea...right??!! Well, here are a few....
Dove Cream Oil Body Lotion....helps dry skin.
Kotez Ultra Thin with Wings Sample and Coupon...because unfortuneltly...you always need these...lol
Aveeno Positively Ageless...Too keep you looking younger...like you already do!!
On the note of Free Samples...I just wanted to let you know that I tried the Chex Mix that had a free sample last week, and it was a big hit with the kiddies....Ohh yeah, and I loved it too...who am I kidding!! It was very Yummy!! If you missed it...check it out!!
Well enjoy your evening....
Good Night!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:53 PM
Gap Clearance!!
Well, from all my holiday shopping I had a coupon for the Gap, so I decided to head there this morning...Yes, Yes, in the pouring rain...and as I look outside right now...there is no rain falling at all....Go Figure!! Anyway I was heading there for an outfit for my daughter to wear on her 1st Birthday....no such luck...I guess size 18-24 months is a bit too popular in the girls deptartment these days. Or maybe the fact that I do not like Cherries to be all over her pants, shirts, socks, and belt is my problem too!! I did however, find a few good buys for my son using my coupon....I got him a Gap fleece hoody, a pair of Khaki Pants, and a nice striped dress shirt all for under $20!! I thought I did well.....not as good as Old navy and Kohl's a few weks back, but remember we are talking about "The Gap" here people...lol..lol.
Now is the best time to stuck uo for next winter at bargain prices!! So if you are passing by one this weekend, head in to check it out.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:00 PM