Thursday, September 11

Too Much Conditioner.....

Thrifty Jinxy

A few months back CVS and ShopRite had some great deals on Dove & Sunsilk shampoo and conditioner....when I said good deals, I really meant FREE after coupons. They were a little low on the Shampoo supply at both stores, so naturally, I stocked up to the gills on conditioner!!! For free, why not, right? I used to just pass the Conditioners onto my sister (She's a big time user), but since she has moved a plane ride away.....the lonely, unused conditioner sat in my bathroom closet untouched for a while!

I just had to use it somehow, someway. Then one night I went to reach for the shaving gel...and I was all out. I grabbed a bottle of the conditioner and lathered worked great!! My legs were super silky smooth...Oh and smelling wonderful as well!!

Maybe you stocked up a bit too much on conditioner as well? Know of another way to use it? I'd love to know!!

Check out more Thrifty Thursday posts over at The Thrifty Jinxy.

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