The weather is little nasty and cold we stayed home most of the day today......with the exception of running to get some sure wish we had a milkman on days like today...LOL....Did a little more shopping online today...trying to finish up we ran to a few stores yesterday and they were already PACKED to the gills with customers!!! Can't imagine what it will be like in two weeks!!
Some Great Baby-related Deals for this Week:
At Shop Rite they have Beechnut baby food 12 jars (stage 2) for just $4.49....They also have Beechnut Baby cereal for $1.39 a sure to use your manufacturer coupons to save even more!!! And remember that for every $75 in baby related products you buy at Shop Rite you get a $10 baby bucks certificate!!
CVS this week has Pampers jumbo packs on sale for $ if you spend $20 or more on select P&G products (Tide, Pampers, Charmin Toilet Paper 4 packs, Bounty, Duracell, Cover Girl) you get $5 back in Extra Bucks!!! Don't forget to use your manufacturer coupons as well!!!

At Amazon this Baby Gymnastics Bounce and Spin Zebra by Fisher Price is on sale for $35.88 (save $9.11) and it qualifies for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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