Well....I now have it all down to a science!!! Even though if someone saw my system they would probably say "What on Earth is that huge mess??" At least I know where everything is anyway!! I try to stay as organized as possible to make going to the store a bit easier and less stressful with the kiddies!
It all starts on Thursday or Friday evening.....I sit down with my Weekly Ads as they start to arrive in my mailbox. (Grocery ads come in on Thursday or Friday) On Saturday morning....I receive my Sunday Paper inserts and coupons as well. I look threw all the coupons inserts and cut out ALL coupons of items I may buy if they were to go one sale before the expiration date on the coupon.
I then put them into the following categories in piles on my dining room table.....
-Dairy Goods/Meats
-Frozen Foods/Canned Foods/Pet
-Health and Beauty Aids/Baby Related
-Cleaning Supplies/Paper Goods and Plastics

Then I go threw all my
Weekly Sale Ads (grocery and other stores) and write at the top of each page the item is on in pen the item I wish to purchase and then circle the item on the sale paper. I find this way is very helpful in that if the item in the store does not have a sales sticker in front of it...you will know the size, variety, and brand of the sale item without having to ask an associate for help. Just make it easier than a list (for me anyway!)
Then I match up the coupons to the sale items I wish to purchase....First checking the coupons from that weeks coupons inserts....as most times the sale items and coupon match up for more savings!!! If no coupons for an item in those piles I then head to my coupon organizer to look for a coupon. Most times I can remember if I have a coupon for that item or not....I guess you just remember after a while!!
Next I clip the coupons for that specific store to the front of the Weekly Ad with a
clothespin or
clip. Now I have all the coupons I plan to use and the items I wish to purchase together and ready to go!! My grocery stores, Target and
Walmart do not accept Internet printed coupons with the exception of
Wegman's which I do not frequent that much. So I have no need to look online for Internet coupons. My local
CVS does accept Internet coupons. If your stores do accept Internet printed coupons be sure to look for them too before heading out!!
After my lists are made, my coupons attached to the papers...then I place that weeks coupons in my coupon organizer with the others!!
I also have TONS of car wash, eating out, dry-cleaning, & store specific coupons that I also collect as well. These types of coupons I
separate into "3" categories....
1. "
Restaurants Coupons/Fast Food"
2. Home Store Coupons (Bed, Bath & Beyond, Lowe's Etc.)
3. Clothing Store Coupons (
Macy's, Etc.)
I then use a binder clip to clip each category together and then I place the three sets in the large pocket of my purse. I used to use a large envelope...but these past few weeks I have way too many coupons for that small little envelope....
lol lol Hubby makes fun of me for this system I have with all my coupons......He says I should start calling my purse the never-ending coupon bag...
LOL LOLI always take ALL my coupons everywhere with me!!! They are kept in my purse always!! You just never know what Clearance deal you may find at Target, or that Rollback at
Walmart...or better yet an in-store special at Shop Rite!! I have found that if I leave them behind then I see deals and the coupons are not with me!! Maybe I am jinxing myself????
LOL LOLAbout once a month or so I have to go threw all my coupons and clean out the
expired's!! I always know it is about time to do this because my coupon organizer gets jam packed!!
Just my way of doing it....as there are lots of others I am sure....this just work best for me!!