Have you ever started something and are so into it in the beginning and then the interest slowly fades after a little time passes? Do you sometimes think back to how excited you were in the beginning and wish you could still be that excited now??
Well, for me losing some of that "baby weight" was a real challenge!! I must admit.....I heart food...especially the unhealthily, yummy tasting kind...LOL LOL After I had Little Man, I tried hard to lose some of the almost 40 pounds I had gained while pregnant. I tried to eat better, healthier foods and steer clear of all the sweets and not so good for me foods. I did lose a little weight, but not nearly enough!!
After having Little Miss, I decided that I really needed to get serious about losing a little weight!! So I decided to start exercising again! I would set a goal of exercising 3 nights a week after the kiddies headed off to bed. I would exercise when hubby headed to do his workout routine. I would just do one of the 3 Walk Away the Pounds routines....they are only about 30 minutes which is totally do-able!! Or throughout the summer if I felt like a change was in order I would strap Little Miss in the jogger and we would walk for about 45 minutes outside.
Guess what?? I have been following this exercises routine now for over a year and still going strong!! I am still loving it just as much as I did from day one!!! Why is this time different from my previous attempts you ask?? All because I have a bit of encouragement from hubby....not from what he says (He has never said anything about me exercising) but what he does!!! He makes it a habit for himself to exercise three times a week no matter what!!! I see him and that motivates me, encourages me...and makes it just that much more fun!! Although we are not physically exercising together....we are doing our bodies good at the same time!!! It is a great thing!!
After sticking to this exercise routine for so long...now it feels like I am missing it some days....some days I need a quick pick-me-up, I exercise an extra day or two that week!! The exercising has made me feel better, more alive, more awake...and
more in shape!!!
So here is to my wonderful, amazing hubby.....even though you may not even know this....it is your love that I have to thank for pushing me even when you did not know you were!! I really appreciate it!!! You have really helped me stay on the exercise track...Oh and helped me go down a size too during the process!!! Yippee!!
Is there something you have been doing thanks to the motivation of another? How has it been working for you?

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