So if you are heading out to do a little CVS-ing in the next few days...make sure to check for Clearance!!

Posted by
Miss Mommy
4:30 PM
A little over a week ago I had a nice brunch for my Mom's Birthday along with several family members. I was looking for a new recipe with fruit in it to use as an I did a little online recipe searching. I came across this recipe on All Recipes for Sweet Summer Fruit Bruschetta. It sounded so delicious....I just had to give it a try!! Since the brunch I have had sereral phone calls from family members requesting I email them the recipe. It was very easy to make...and from the feedback from my family, hubby and I were not the only ones to fall in love with the recipe!! So in case you too are looking for a great addition to your summer brunch, or even an afternoon snack for the family....give it a try!! Trust me you will be asked for this recipe again and again!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:19 AM
Labels: recipes
Posted by
Miss Mommy
6:51 AM
Labels: Gardening
Well I headed to ShopRite today for our weekly trip....and as always I had a ton of coupons I had handed to the cashier prior to ringing up my order. Most weeks I have well over 10 coupons!! With the 2 kiddies in toe sometimes it is a bit hard to stare at the computer monitor when the cashier is taking off the coupons at the end of the order. And I was so very tired of trying to remember just how many coupons I had to be taken off. So I started writing the number of coupons I am using on the shopping trip on the front of my circular with a circle around it. This way at the end of my receipt I can just count the # of coupons and realize right away if any were not scanned!!! For me this way seems to work!!
Today while at ShopRite, I had 15 coupons I was using for this weeks order. I payed, received my receipt, grabbed my bags, and left the checkout station. I pulled over to the side before the exit of the store and counted the # of coupons taken off.....guess what...1 was missed!! And a $2.00 off one at that!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:25 PM
Labels: Grocery
This past weekend Little Man and I along with his little friend headed to a local farm to spend a few hours picking and playing. We got to pick Corn and Peaches....and let me just tell you they were delicious!! We had never been picking together before and we had a great time!! Here are a few pictures of us at the Farm!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:37 AM
Labels: Wordless Wednesday
For the second week in a row....Target did not disappoint!! Since I did so well on finding lots of items on Clearance at 75% off...I just had to try my luck at another Target not that far away from our home!!! And I am glad I did!! Here is what I found:
*Little Mommy Twin Baby Dolls.....Just $4.37!! (Regularly $17.48) Little Miss will love these under the tree!!
*Thomas & Friends Cranky the Crane for just $4.98 (Regularly $19.98)
*Pair of Circo Summer Sandals for Little Miss for next summer...just $2.98
* Diaper Bag w/Changing Pad for just $6.24 (Regularly $24.99)...I have been eying this thing up since it went 30% off......I was so excited to get this!!! Peace out to my worn out Free Black Similac diaper bag I have been using since Little Miss was born!! LOL LOL
*Bucket of Sidewalk Chalk...Just $1.31 (75% Off) !!! My Kiddies love to draw with this stuff outside!!
*Hot Wheels Car Shooter....$3.74 (75% Off)...Great to have on the holidays will be here before you know it!!
*Pair of water shoes for Little Miss for an upcoming vacation next week...these were $4.18...only 30% off, but she needed them!!
If you have yet to get a chance to run into Target...hurry!!! Hopefully you can still rack up on a few great Clearance deals!!! Already went?? What did you find cheap??
Happy Hunting if you go!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:23 AM
New York & Company has lots of women's summer clothing on they are starting to bring out the fall fashions now!! Click here to see all the sale items. Sizes and colors are for best selection shop early!!
To save even more use these great coupon codes at checkout!!
Get $10 off $20 with code 8093
Get $20 off $60 with code 8096
Happy Shopping!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:54 PM
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:23 AM
Labels: Tipster Tuesday
Here is the nice, clean, empty table:
And....TaDa....The Long Awaited Island of Sodor Replica Branch Line:
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:15 AM
Labels: Tackle It Tuesday
Well summer is in full swing now....and unfortunately the bugs are hip to us being outdoors a lot more! Just the other night, we were all outside at a friends house and the bugs seemed to be attacking our legs non-stop!! Of course the week before while at another picnic, our Skin-So-Soft seemed to of fallen out of our pool bag so that is the reason for our most recent bug bites!! Ouch!!
Not to worry though....if you have little ones and need to keep them bug free (and yourself too!)....Avon has all their Skin-So-Soft marked down to 50% off!! I just ordered a replacement today for the missing Skin- So-Soft Bug Guard Plus we lost for just $5.99! And the best thing is that is is totally safe for the kiddies to use as contains NO Deet! Plus it is also a sunscreen of 30SPF so perfect for those beach days!To save on shipping...find an Avon Representative near you here. It will then give you the option of a local representative delivering it to your home personally to save on shipping costs.
Or if you spend $20 or more use code AVN20FS at checkout for Free Shipping!!
Wishing you a bug-free rest of the summer!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:31 PM
A few random deals I came across for this week.....all kiddie/baby related.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:11 AM
Labels: Deals
What better way to start off the week than with Freebies?? So here you are...Happy Monday to you!!
StayFree-Ultra Thin with wings Free Sample.
Ultra Downy Total Care Fabric Softener- Click on the Orange Special Savings button on the left side.
Meow Mix - Wholesome Goodness Dry Cat Food Sample from Walmart.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
6:45 AM
*Pentel gel pens, 4 pack.....Free after rebate!!
*Slider pencil case.......1 cent each (limit 2)
*2-Pocket plastic report covers ......20 cents each. (limit 10)
*Mini staplers.....25 cents each. (limit 3)
*Electric pencil sharpener.......Free after rebate!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:38 AM
A few weeks ago in the 6-08 Sunday paper there was a $1.00 off coupon for New Jell-O Singles. We are a pudding loving when I found them at Target I just had to give them a try!! They were $1.79 for 6 packets...minus the $1.00 off just .89 for 6 single-serve homemade (well sort-of) puddings!!
What are Jell-O Singles, you ask?? The box states that they are ready in minutes, after adding just milk to the pudding packet and stirring!! They are also sugar free and only 80 calories per serving.
I figured it would be neat for Little Man to make the pudding he would like to he is really getting BIG into cooking/preparing food these days!! So...after about a month buried in the snack cabinet...they re-appeared yesterday, and we decide to give them a whirl.
Little Man and I each made one, you just add milk and stir for about 1 1/2 minutes. Then let sit for a few minutes and enjoy!! We also added a dollop of Lite Whipped topping to the top as well...we cheated on the calorie part...LOL They were very yummy!! Tasted just like pre-made Jell-O pudding!! Little Man, Little Miss and I finished the puddings in no time!! Plus, Little Man was so proud of his yummy tasting dessert he made for us!! LOL LOL
If you have a little cooking helper in your house...Jell-O Singles are an easy yummy kid friendly treat to make!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:31 AM
Labels: Kiddies, My Opinion
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:06 PM
Labels: recipes
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:16 AM
Labels: CVS
Angie over at Wylie Mom has tagged me.....
Here are the rules:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.
So here are a few things about Me......
1. I have to have ketchup on a Soft's delicious...I've been doing this since I was a kid.
2. My first job was working at a farm stand on the side of the road...Man they were some HOT summers!!!
3. I cannot sleep with socks on in the's just too hot for socks!!!
4. I do not wear shoes in my house...I just cannot bring myself to do it....LOL LOL It's my Mom's fault I guess it was a rule when we were growing up.
5. My fingernails are never painted...but my toes, Always.
6. Do not bother me on Monday nights at 10pm...."The Hills" is on....I cannot wait for the new season to start!!
Now that you know some of my's your turn now....I tag:
1. Meghan
2. Krusty The Cat
3. Kacie
4. Niki
5. Michelle
6. Erin
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:16 PM
My Little Man is in truck heave since last night!! A nice lady on Freecycle offered a BIG box full of Rescue Vehicles and Accessories that her son had outgrown. So yesterday hubby ran over during his lunch break to pick them up....He brought them home after work, I wiped them all down and sanitized them....and Little Man and Little Miss are having so much fun playing with them!! Most even came with working batteries and make all sorts of siren noises!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
12:05 PM
Labels: Freebies
Made a Target Run yesterday.....and the Target I went to was plum full with loads of Clearance!!! In almost every department too...especially the baby section!! If you or someone you know is expecting...head to Target for some great deals!!! They had lots of clothing, bedding, bath toys, onesies, layette, bibs, almost every car seat/infant carriers was marked down between 15 (most) -30%, and lots of misc. baby related items as well!! The new carseats are about to come out soon, I suppose??
Majority of the summer outdoors items are gone in our local if you are looking for outdoor stuff you may be too late already. But...hey you may find something else you may find you needed...LOL LOL
Here are a few great buys I came across:
*Picked up 3 pairs of sandals for next summer for Little Miss....all were 75% off....paid just $1.74, $3.24, and $2.98 for each of them!!
*Got Little Man 2 pairs of shorts for next summer...75% off...just $3.74 and $4.24 a pair!! They are Mossimo brand too!!
*Picked up an Oshkosh cute little shirt for Little Miss for just $2.24...75% off, for next summer!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:17 AM
Labels: Deals
Late last week I made a quick run into Acme to pick up my sweeper cloths, and since I was there I picked up a 1/2 gallon of milk that I had a coupon for to hold us over till our ShopRite trip. We were in and out in a matter of minutes...I had promised the kiddies a trip to the they were ready to go have some fun!!!
I stop off at home to drop off the milk and off to the park we go!! The next morning....I open up the fridge to get the 1/2 gallon of milk out...and guess what it is expired!! It stinks!! much for holding off on our ShopRite trip for another day!!!
So today I finally ran to take my expired milk back to Acme.....Not to worry...I did not get another one..I will stick to where I know in the milk category....LOL LOL
I am just terrible at remembering to look at the dates on products as I put them in the shopping cart!!! This is just another reminder to me "I have to look at dates"!!! Yet I never forget to look for a coupon for an item, though!!! LOL
While at Acme I had to pick up a tomato for dinner tonight....and I also picked up:
* A Powerade 32 oz. for $1.00 (Used one of the $1.00/1 Powerade coupon from last Sunday's insert's) So this was FREE!!!
*2 rolls of Viva Paper Towels for $1.89 each. I had (2) .75 off coupons from the 7-13 SmartSource insert. Acme doubles coupons up to they doubled these to $1.50 off each. I paid just .39 for each 112 sheet roll!!!! Plus, they are Choose-A-Size rolls too...great for all kids of spills!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:27 PM
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:54 AM
Labels: Wordless Wednesday
I am a huge Swifter fact I am not sure what I would do without my Swifter Sweeper!! I also love the Swifter dusters.....they only problem is I find that the price of the refills for the dusters is absolutely outrageous!!!! At our local Dollar General they used to have a knock-off brand...5 refills plus one handle in a pack for $2.00. A little steep.....but the quality was good and they made cleaning a bit $2 was a small price to pay!!!
Then one day I ran into Dollar General to pick up a box...and guess what...the had none!!! And the spot they were usually kept in now had a new product and label in it's spot. They now had a new knock-off brand...5 dusters for $1.75. Okay....I thought I'll give these a I picked up a box and was on my way.
I get home take a duster and refill pad out of the box and get started cleaning....well attempt to, anyway!! I quickly discovered this new knock-off brands stink!!! They hold no dust.,..just move it around into the air...and the handle is the flimsiest thing I have ever seen!! Every time you go to dust the handle collapses!! I spent more time trying to keep the handle in place than dusting!!! So back to Dollar General I went a few days later.
I had noticed when I had went a few days earlier that they had Mr. Clean Microfiber Mitts. It was just $1.75 and it was machine washable!!! Perhaps this would work for me. Plus...there would be no more refills to buy...ever!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:04 AM
Labels: Works For Me Wednesday
So you grab a baking pan, place a piece of leftover pizza on it and stick it in the oven say on 350 degrees for 12 minutes. The timer beeps, you open the oven door...and lo and behold....most of the cheese from the pizza slice is all over the baking pan!!! Man...what a mess to clean up!!! If this sounds like a true is, really!! Has happened to me many times!!
Well, one day my sister was over while I was attempting this procedure...and she said...."Where's your foil?" I thought she was talking to herself or something?? Foil...what do I need foil for?? She grabbed the foil, lined the baking pan with a piece, placed the pizza slice on top of it, then let the pizza warm up in the oven. Timer beeps...I go to the oven take out the pan...and guess what yes some of the cheese has melted...but this time onto the foil...not the pan!!! So later on after eating my yummy slice of pizza....I just pick up the piece of foil and toss...easy clean-up!!! And to think of all the times I have heated up something in the oven and the yucky baking sheet I had to scrub afterwards!! At least there is one smart one in the family...LOL LOL
In the mood for more tips?? Be sure to check out more Tipster Tuesday at BeCentsAble!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
1:16 PM
Labels: Tipster Tuesday