I was doing my weekly shopping at ShopRite yesterday and I found a great deal on kitty liter. This week threw Saturday they have all Tidy Cats Kitty litter on sale for 20% off. The smallest bag they sell (at my store,anyway) is a 10 lb. bag. With the 20% savings, the price is $1.75. If you use the $1.00 off manufacturer coupon from this past Sunday's coupon insert you will get the bag for just 75 cents!!! A great price for brand named litter!!
I personally like to use Tidy Cats litter for our kitty. It clumps when wet, has odor crystals to help keep the smell down between changes, and the pieces are not too small like other brands I have tried...this helps to cut down on tracking litter everywhere.
Wednesday, April 30
Need Kitty Litter???
Posted by
Miss Mommy
1:27 PM
A Few Things To Do With CD Discs....
We somehow accumulated a ton of Cd's over the years and now I am trying to find ways to use the up...if you know what I mean!! My son is a huge arts n crafts man...Here are a few crafty ways to give them a new purpose in life!
-Use them to make circles....my son loves to make arts n crafts, and when he needs to make a circle traces a Cd to get a perfect one.
-Make a Elephant craft out of a CD...click here for Template
-Have your little one paint one and use it as a drink coaster- Just cut out a piece of Non-slip grip and glue it on the back of the disc to prevent sliding.
-Wax Collector- Place a small candle on it and light it...the wax will burn and land on the CD.
-Make a Sun or Cloud Craft from the CD. Click here for directions and picture.
-Make a Magnet- Have you little one paint the front, put stickers on it, decorate it with buttons, etc. then glue a magnet on the back and display on your fridge!
-Make a Christmas Ornament out of it.....Add a picture of your little one after they decorate it and a string for hanging from the tree.
Can you think of another cool use for an old CD??
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:01 AM
Several Estimates Are Part of The Savings Process.....
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:05 AM
Labels: Savings
Tuesday, April 29
A Great Zucchini Bread Recipe...Yum!!
I am a huge fan of homemade breads, especially when they are so easy to make and delicious to eat...LOL LOL Here is a great Zucchini Bread recipe that my mom has been making for years...at is so yummy!!
You will need the following ingredients:
3 Eggs
1 3/4 cups of Sugar
1 cup Oil
2 cups Zucchini (grated)
3 tsp. Vanilla
3 cups Flour
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 tsp. Baking Powder
3 tsp. Cinnamon
1 cup Walnuts (optional)
Beat eggs, then add sugar, oil, zucchini, and vanilla. Mix lightly, but well.
Next, combine dry ingredients (except walnuts and cinnamon) in a separate bowl and mix lightly. Then put wet and dry together, and then add in cinnamon and walnuts (if you choose to use). Pour into 2 greased floured pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Or you can use 4 small loaf pans and bake for 1/2 hour. Remove and cool on rack.
Do you have a great bread recipe to share??
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:44 PM
Labels: recipes
Need Some Perennials for Your Garden??
Tis the season for planting new perennials in your garden. I was in The Christmas Tree Shops and they had lots different of different ones....... Day Lillies, Astilbe, Gladiolas, Peonies, Clematis, and many, many more. They were all very reasonably priced between $2.-$5 each.
Perennials are great for the garden, as they come back year after year unlike annuals. Perennials do not bloom all spring and summer as annuals do, but the do usually bloom for a few weeks, some a bit longer. Perennials are season bloomers...some bloom in summer, some in spring, etc. Adding many different perennials is a great way to add different colors to your garden throughout a few seasons!!
Another reason why perennials are so great are that after a few years they can be split. This is great if you have someone to trade perennials with....then you can trade plants for free!! My mom and I do this all the time...or you can split your own perennials and plant them elsewhere in your garden. Splitting also helps the perennial to stay healthy over the years.
Perennials require very little to maintain. They do however, require good soil, a bit of watering, and fertilizing. Oh yes and a little bit of weeding too!! Yes, I know it stinks, but the weeds if let go will steal the water and nutrients from your pretty perennial, so it is necessary to get the weeds out ASAP.
With a few easy steps you too can have a very pretty perennial garden to enjoy real soon. Happy perennial planting!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:07 AM
Labels: Gardening
Are Bi-weekly Mortgage Payments a Good Thing??
Have you ever been offered by a mortgage company or bank to sign-up for bi-weekly mortgage payments? By signing up for the program they tell you that you can save years off of your mortgage and lots of money too? Sound familiar? I know that we get these types of letter from companies at least twice a year.
It is true that you would save money and can take a few years off of your mortgage by paying bi-weekly....but it will cost you a bit of money too! You see....in the finest print at the bottom of that letter....is that they will charge a bi-weekly fee and/or start-up fee to take your money from your bank account every two weeks. Why should you be charged for someone to take your money?? Does not make much sense does it??
Well, you can do this exact process yourself and for free!!! Unfortunately, you cannot just mail in 1/2 your mortgage payment every two weeks...as most mortgage companies do not allow partial payments. But you can go around it other ways....
1. You can just take your monthly payment divided by twelve and then add that amount to your monthly mortgage payment each month.
2. Or you can one extra payment a year towards the principal. This will save about 6-8 years off of your mortgage depending on the terms and length.
Just make sure to label the extra as a principal reduction...otherwise your mortgage company will just apply it to your loan regularly. A good idea is to write separate checks with specific instructions to your lender. This way there is no confusion as to where the money is to be applied.
You can figure out your savings by typing in your mortgage terms here. You may be pleasantly surprised by the savings!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:06 AM
Labels: Savings
Monday, April 28
A Few Freebie Finds......
Happy Monday to you.....Kind of a yucky day here....I know Freebies always brighten up my day......
L'Oreal Skin Genesis- Multi-layer skin strengthening skincare sample.
Frizz Ease- customized solutions to beat any degree of frizz.
Aquafresh Advanced Whitening Toothpaste Sample.
Advil Liqui Gels Sample and $2.00 off coupon.
Purex Laundry Detergent Sample.
Playtex Sport Sample and $1.00 off coupon.
Kashi Mountain Meledy Granola Sample.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:25 PM
My Quick CVS Run for Today....
I learned my lesson last week regarding CVS deals.....the early bird gets the worm!!! I missed out on the Softsoap deal last week.....so I was determined to make it to CVS today so as to not miss out again! I just made a quick trip....not much this week on sale that I needed. This is what I purchased.......
-2- Bounty Basic Paper Towels (8 packs) for $4.99 each
-2- Maybeline Mineral Face Powder B1G1 Free
-2- J&J Buddies Bar Soap .99 each
$9.98 +
$9.99 +
$1.98 =
Then I had the following coupons......
$4/20 purchase coupon (sign up for emails from CVS here)
$2.00 off 2 Johnson's Buddies coupon
$1.00/2 Bounty Basics coupon (from P&G coupon packet a few weeks back)
Minus $7.99 in Extra Bucks
So I
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:06 AM
A Few ShopRite Deals This Week.....
Not a ton on sale this week at ShopRite...but there are a few items I will be stocking up on!! The sale is on until Saturday May 3rd. I am dreading going this week....as for the past 4 weeks I have had a coupon for $5 off of my shopping order...well, the coupons are now over...Boo Hoo!! Unfortunately, we still have to eat $5 off coupon or not...LOL LOL Here are a few deals I found to be worth the trip for.......
Health & Beauty Aids
-Citre Shine Shampoo or Conditioner (13.5 ounce) $1.49 each *Be sure to use the $1.00 off 1 coupon in this Sunday's coupon insert...you will pay just .49 cents a bottle!!!
-Lady Speed Stick or Mennen Speed Stick Deodorant(1.4 or 1.5 ounce stick or invisible solid) just .99 each *Be sure to use the .75 off 2 coupon in this Sunday's coupon insert...pay just .50 each after coupon!
-Colgate Toothpaste (4.6 to 6 ounce package) just $1.79 *Be sure to use the $1.00 off Colgate coupon from last Sunday's insert...pay just .79 for the tube!
-J&J Baby Products 2 for $5 (must buy 2) *Be sure to use the $1.00 off coupons in this Sundays insert to pay just $1.50 each!)
-Luvs Diapers jumbo Packs just $7.99 each.... (sizes 1-6)
- Ortega Prima Salsa just $1.69 (1lb. jar) *Be sure to use the .75/2 Ortega products coupon in this Sunday's coupon insert to pay just $1.19 a jar)
-Francesco Rinaldi Pasta Sauce just $.99 for 24 ounce jar
-Pop Secret Popcorn 3 for $4 *Be sure to use the .50/1 coupon in coupon insert a few weeks back to pay just .33 for 1 box!!)
-General Mills Cereal Sale (select varieties)...$1.99 a box *Be sure to use the $1.00/2 boxes coupon from the coupon inserts a few eweks back to pay just $1.50 a box!)
-Mr. Coffee Ground Coffee just $1.49 for a 12 oz. bag (any Variety) *Save $3.00!
-Popsicle Firecracker or Variety pops just .99 (12 ct.)
Paper Goods/Cleaning
-Marcal Napkins 250 ct. just $1.39 (1/2 price!)
-Marcal Facial Tissues 3-pack just $1.49 (1/2 price!)
-ShopRite Mop just $4.99 (1/2 price!) select varieties only.
-Ray-O-Vac 12 ct. AA or AAA batteries just $2.99 *Be sure to use the $.75 off 1 coupon from the Sunday coupon insert a few weeks back to pay just $1.99 for 12 batteries!
That's about all the great deals I can find for the week...did I miss any?? If so please let me know!! Happy Savings!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:16 AM
Sunday, April 27
Potbelly...Mmmm You Must Give Them a Try!!!
They have recently added a new shopping center near our house about a year ago and new stores are still popping up as they are nearing the end of completing the project. It's kind of exciting...in that we get to try a many new restaurants/eateries every month or so. About 2 weeks ago a new Eatery called Potbelly mailed us a coupon for Buy a Sandwich or Salad get 1 Free. Last night we decided to give them a try.
It was just hubby and eating as the kiddies had already eaten before we left home. Upon entering, we were greeted immediately and handed menus. We took a seat to look over the menus and got settled in our seats. The menu is very simple and includes soups, salads, sandwiches, chili, sweets, shakes, and drinks. It is very simple and to the point....
They make all their sandwiches made to order with your choice of toppings on a white or wheat roll which is warm to the touch. All sandwiches are are just $4.19. They are the perfect size just right for the average eater. They are full of nice thinly sliced meat, and cheeses, and topped with your favorite toppings. The salads are also made to order with dressing served on the side and Potbelly croutons for just $5.29 each. You have a choice of several salad dressings.
For the kiddies, the menu is a tad lacking in that department. They do offer a PB&J sandwich but that is about it unless your kiddies are into sandwiches. Of, course the kiddies will love the dessert though...as they have homemade cookies, ice cream sandwiches, Root Beer floats, shakes, and smoothies. And man they looked so good!!
The sandwiches were great!! We were definitely impressed, and will for sure be back to visit real soon! Like the store associate said "The sandwiches are as good as Panera Bread...but a whole lot cheaper!" I'd have to agree with him 100%!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:03 AM
Labels: My Opinion
Saturday, April 26
Miniwear Sets on Sale at Babies R Us......
Yes, I ran into Babies R Us yesterday since they had sent me two (25% off any 1 clothing item) coupons in the mail the other day to see what deals I could find. I was on the hunt for a cute pair of sandals for my daughter, but of course found no such thing.
They did have all the Minwear sets on sale for 25% off though. Most are regular priced between $7.99- $9.99. They had lots of cute styles and color choices up to size 36 months....I ended up with an outfit for my daughter...yes, just one but only because that was the only one they had in her size!! It ended up costing just $5.82 for the set with the sale price and after the coupon. A pretty good deal. I love these sets...especially since it includes the top and bottom...no need to match outfits this way, it's already done for you!!! Yay!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:08 AM
Friday, April 25
Amazon Toy Deals.....

Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:11 PM
Paying Bills Online....I am Hooked!!
Now a days paying bills online is a common thing for most people. Most companies now offer free online bill pay in addition to phone pay as well as snail mail (as I call it!). I just love to pay our bills online and there are several reasons why......
1. I know the payment was actually received from the conformation email the companies sends me.....A while back my Verizon bill I had mailed via snail mail out actually got lost in the mail???
2. You can schedule your payment date...this way you can hold out until the exact day the bill is due if you you'd like. And this will eliminate late fees!
3. You save .41 on a stamp if you would of had to mail it. (Hey over 5-10 bills a month this adds up!)
4. You save the fee to use phone pay. (in some instances where companies charge for this service)
5. You save on not having to buy checks as frequently.
6. You are helping to save a tree by not receiving paper statements in the mail monthly.
7. You have access to your account at anytime.
8. Plus, if you'd like you can set up automatic payments to come out each month on the due date
I just love paying bills online!! And remember, most, if not all sites are highly protected so you can be sure your information is kept safe. Just be sure to look for the insured/safe logo on the website. Now, if only my mortgage company would get with the program, and stop charging a $12.00 fee for me to pay it online....I would be one paperless bill payer!!! LOL LOL
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:01 AM
Labels: Savings
Reduced Sections At The Grocery Store.....
This can be a great spot to check out usually located in the back of the store!! I never even knew they existed until my son started a new routine every time we visit ShopRite.....he now has to use the restrooms after the deli counter....it's like our new grocery store ritual! LOL LOL At our local ShopRite they have about 3 large metal carts across from the restrooms and they are filled to the brim on most of our weekly visits with lots and lots of grocery items. Sometimes they have discontinued items, sometimes dented boxed items, even post-holiday items too.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:08 AM
Labels: Savings
Thursday, April 24
9 Great Uses for Dryer Sheets.......
I must admit I need to find a few more uses for all the dryer sheets I stocked up on at ShopRite a while back. I am way overloaded!!! I already use them for a few things other than using them in the dyer, but I need to find a few more things I could do with them. Here are the things I already use them for......
1. Use them to wipe down mini blinds. I just close the blinds then wipe them down with the dryer sheet. This also helps to repel dust too!!
2. Put one or two in your dresser drawer...helps keep the items smelling fresh and clean!
3. Place a dyer sheet in your kitty liter box, this helps cut down on the odor in between liter box changes.
4. To keep odor under control, keep a dryer sheet at the bottom of your kitchen trash can.
5. Use a dryer sheet to wipe down your TV, it helps to eliminate static-electricity.
6. Have static cling? Use a dryer sheet to wipe down the inside on your pant legs...static cling no more!
7. Take a used dryer sheet and pick up lint off the top of your dryer after you empty the lint trap.
8. Use an already used dryer sheet on the bottom of your swiffer...works great to pick up dust
9. Use a used dryer sheet to wipe down the chrome faucet in your bathroom...look at how it shines now!
**Do you have other great uses for dryer sheets? I would love to add to my list!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:39 PM
Labels: Savings
Free Dippin Dots Coming Soon......
That's right...it's Dippin Dot's Birthday on May 20th and you are invited to get a free Birthday Cake Flavored Dippin Dots on Tuesday May 20th from 4 pm to close!!!! My little guy just had them for the first time yesterday and just loved them...they are the perfect size for the kiddies mouths!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:42 AM
ShopRite's Coupons May Differ From Store to Store......
Yesterday I had to run to ShopRite to get a few things, and I happened to stop by the service desk to ask where an item was located and the associate and I started chatting. Somehow we got on the topic of coupons and I had mentioned that ShopRite had a few great store coupons on the front of the circular this week. They had coupons for 80% ground beef for .98 a lb, sweet or hot Italian Sausage for $1.48 a lb., Marcal 20 pack of Toilet Paper for just $5.98, and Tyson Boneless Chicken Breast for just .98 a lb.
The associate said their store only had the Italian Sausage coupons on the front of their store circular this week none of the others. Plus a few other coupons that were not so great...... She proceeded to say that stores are owned by a couple different owners and they do not always have the same coupons on the front of the grocery paper (if there are coupons on the front that week). But, ShopRite will accept ALL ShopRite coupons reguardless of what ShopRite they are from!
You see I receive the circular from a ShopRite that is close to my house and is owned by a different owner than the store I shop at. So I can use the coupons from the circular they mail to me PLUS the coupons that are on the front of the circular of the store I shop at too. Pretty cool, right?? And to think of all the times I walked right past the store circular at the front of the store......man think of all the deals I missed out on :-(
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:00 AM
Labels: Savings
Wednesday, April 23
Do Your Kiddies Love to Help Cook??
Well, my little guy is all about helping in the kitchen these days!! He just loves to help mix things, get the ingredients out, put things into the oven (before turned on, of course!), and show off his yummy creations!!! So on his new adventure of helping to cook in the kitchen I have been trying to find new recipes for him to make almost all by himself. Here is a great recipes for mini pizzas that are very easy for kiddies to make......
1 can of Refrigerated Biscuits (8 biscuits)
2 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese
Make 8 yummy mini pizzas.

Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:08 PM
Labels: Kiddies
Want to Find the Cheapest Gas??
Gas Buddy- Find the lowest gas prices in the US and Canada. They also offer tips on how to save on gas here.
MSN Autos- Receives pricing data from over 90,000 gas stations across the nation.
Fuel Me Up- Save Time. Save Gas. Save Money.
Now all you have to do is remember to check online before you head out to fill up at the pump!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:49 AM
Labels: Savings
Need Some Relief From the Sun???
A few years ago when we lived in our previous home we had only one tree in our backyard...and unfortunately it did not give any relief from the sun when sitting or playing on our patio. My son used to love to ride his little car out there...play in his kiddies pool, and we used to love to eat dinner outside on not so steamy hot nights. We had a patio umbrella for when we ate outside, but I liked my son to be in the shade if we were out in the heat of the day. We ended up purchasing a tent from Target that year to use for the summer for relief from the sun. We got in on sale at Target for about $19.99. It only lasted for one summer, as it was not that well made to last year after year. But, it was cheap, and was perfect for what we needed it for!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:11 AM
Tuesday, April 22
Just wanted to say hi!!
Just thought I would write since I was online checking out your tips. You really have a knack for this whole saving money thing!! JK No, really your blog is great keep up the great work.
Love Ya
Posted by
9:07 PM
Save By Using Your Visa Card.....
Visa has a great promotion going on right now when you pay with your Visa Card. If you use your Visa at Participating stores (Both online and at Brick & Mortar) you can receive a discount. These are many merchants participating from Restaurants, to Portrait Places, to Home Improvement Stores....and each one offers a different discount.
You can view the merchants participating here. You can search by category or by store. Most discounts expire on 6-30-2008.
Happy Shopping.....Oh and Savings too!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:49 PM
Labels: Savings
My CVS Run....
Well, I ran into CVS last night to stock upon the Softsoap Body wash that was Free after $4.99 Extrabucks...but I was too late!! (I think my sister cleaned them out earlier today...LOL LOL They were all gone, darn it!! I will try again on Wednesday. I did come across a great deal though on cool toothbrushes for my little man. For the month of April CVS is giving a $1 Extrabuck back on all Zooth brushes. They are $3.29 each at CVS. Plus I had a B1G1 Free coupon from this months P&G coupon circular.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:12 AM
What To Do With All Those Outgrown Baby Clothes??
My cousin gave me a call the other night and asked me that exact question. She has a baby girl....that has just recently turned "1" and now she has all these clothes that no longer fit her. I am a huge fan of Craigslist, however she has not had much luck with trying to sell baby clothes on there. She said last time she sold a lot of her daughters clothing, she practically gave them away. So she is looking for another option. She is getting ready to move and she is trying to move with as little as possible!
I myself have never consigned anything. So I had to do a little research as to what consigning is all about....now I was curious... LOL LOL These are a few things I found out.....
1. Most consignment shops only accept clothing in excellent condition...No stains, No Missing buttons, No holes, etc.
2. All clothing must be freshly washed, pressed neatly and on hangers you can leave. No Wrinkles.
3. Clothing in most instances must be name brand...such as Baby Gap, Gymboree, Little Me, Old Navy, Nike, Reebok, Tommy , department store and such.
4. Clothing must be in season & in style.....most state that is should of been purchased within the last few seasons.
5. Most consignment store Do not take used car seats or Diaper Genies...due to liability reasons. 6. Most take clothing as well as gear...i.e. strollers, bouncer, highchairs, etc.
7. Prices for the items are usually set by the consignment store/shop. Some shops even charge a handling fee per item to take the item, or a ticket fee if the items sells (minimal).
8. Items will be kept for a short period of time (usually 9o days). After 30 days in most stores markdown will begin to help move the items. Usually markdowns between 15% to 50%.
9. Most stores also require you to make an appointment to drop off clothing and items you wish to consign.
10. Most Consignment stores will give you the Consignor around 45- 55% of the selling price. Some stores pay only cash, others let you choose cash or store-credit. Some stores even give a higher paying percentage if you opt for store credit!!
11. If after 90-120 days your item/items have not sold they usually get donated to charity or become property of the Consignment Shop. Some stores do allow the unsold items to be returned to you, but at a small fee (about $2.00 or so).
Man....there are definitely a lot more rules than I ever would of thought. Remember every store has different policies, so be sure to check with the exact store you plan to use if you do decide to consign. These are just policies I have seen over and over again at a few stores.
In my opinion if you feel that you would like to give consigning a try take just a few items in that if you do not sell, you are willing to let go of with for no amount of money. This way if they do not sell you are not upset to see them go. Also check out the store you plan on consigning at. Are there a lot of items on Clearance? Do they seem busy? Ask around..maybe someone has had good luck with one in your town? Is the store neat and organized? If you were on the hunt for something could you find it?
If you try it...please let me know how you make out...Maybe I will try it one day???
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:16 AM
Labels: Kiddies
Monday, April 21
Happy Earth Day to You!!!
It's Earth Day tomorrow and to celebrate Macy's is giving away a Free Tree Sapling to the first 100 customers tomorrow Tuesday April 22nd. To find a store near you click here.

Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:13 PM
Moon Sand......My 2 Cents!
Moon Sand...Have you heard of it? If you have a little guy or girl around age 4....I am sure you have! It is sort of like Play-Doh, but different. It's sorta like sand but thicker...Does that even make sense?? Well, it stinks!! That is a way easier way to explain it!!
My little guy received it for Christmas this past year, a little Moon Sand Farm Play Set. Looked kinda cool from the box. But, from my experience with Play-Doh I knew Moon Sand would be an outside toy as well! So we finally broke it out this weekend. It was nice enough out...and my little guy had been waiting long enough, don't you think?
So, we took everything out of the box, it came with Moon Sand, a truck, a play mat, a few cut-outs, and a tool. The first thing I noticed was the play mat was way too small!! Not a big deal, I just took out a plastic table cloth for him to use. The sand itself was also very hard to mold together....you would pack it all in the mold to try to take it out and it would just fall apart. Kid of aggravating for a little one! He played with it for a bit, then got board...there is not nearly enough tools, or cut-outs...so he got board in about 20 minutes, with Play-Doh he keeps busy for about an hour or so if he plays by himself.
Then it was clean-up time. The fun part of the whole Moon Sand experience!! lol lol It was everywhere...on the ground, stuck in the truck, all over him...a Moon Sand mess, really!! So we salvaged what we could of the leftover Moon Sand....whatever was on the ground you could not salvage...as it sticks to the concrete and very hard to get up! They also should of given you containers to place the Moon Sand in(for the little bit we salvaged) so it stays fresh for next time we Moon Sand again.
It was definitely an experience...for the both of us. All I have to say is....... he did not have nearly as much fun as they do on the TV commercial I saw!! Maybe he needed a few more containers of Moon Sand, a few friends to mold with , and perhaps a few more tools and molds??
I think we will just stick to Play-Doh!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:04 AM
Labels: Kiddies, My Opinion
Have Lots of Weeds???
Well, it was just a lovely weekend...we spent a lot of time outside in the yard. We were busy planting, mowing, trimming, and of course tackling the weeds too. We have rocks in one part of our backyard that seems to just get overcome with weeds in the early spring. I am not big into spraying weed killer as my kiddies are outside playing everyday now that weather is so nice.
I do hand pick weeds sometimes (thanks to my handy weed-picker), but time does not always permit for that...lol lol Here is a great recipe for homemade weed killer and cheap to make too!!
Just put 1 cup of salt, 1 tbsp liquid dish soap and one gallon of vinegar in a large pot. Let it heat up until the salt has completely dissolved then transfer to a spray bottle and go kill those weeds!
***Just remember that this will kill anything it touches (in regards to vegetation) !!! It is great to use on areas like driveways, on rock areas, or where weeds grow that you want no weeds or grass at all!!!***
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:16 AM
Labels: Savings
Sunday, April 20
Time For the Paint Sales......
As the nice weather in now upon us it is time for the Paint Sales to begin. I know we are going to be purchasing a gallon or two of Exterior to re-paint our shed next weekend....it looks very un-pretty right now.
Right now, Lowes is offering mail-in-rebates on Olympic Premium Interior and Exterior Paints starting today April 20th until April 27th. The Olympic Premium Exterior is regularly $18.98 a gallon, and Interior is $16.92 a gallon. Both paints have a 25-year warranty too. Or if you need more than a gallon...they are also offering a $20 rebate off a 5-gallon bucket.
I have done Lowes Rebates in the past and have very good luck in receiving them back in a timely manner. So, I will be sending them in for sure. Plus, I love to get the rebate in the mail a few weeks later that I often forgot about!!! They usually have the reabte forms at the paint desk.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:50 AM
Do You Use a Liquid Foam Soap Dispenser???
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:04 AM
Labels: Savings
Saturday, April 19
A Great Shopping Day!!
Well, I headed out early yesterday to get a few errands in so we could have lot of time to play at the park. It was all about using up my coupons.....Man, have I been receiving some great coupons in the mail or what??
First I headed to Macy's I am trying to find my daughter a spring jacket...it is pretty much an impossible task!!! Macy's had not one in stock!! They sent out $10 off a $25 purchase coupons in today's Courier Post. They were good this morning and are also good tomorrow 9am-1pm. They are having a BIG 1 Day Sale (tomorrow...preview day today). So I headed to the boys department and ending up getting my son 2 pair of Timberland Jeans for just under $18.00. (Man...I wish he was still in toddler sizes when I have to buy boys clothes...lol lol) They were on clearance for $13.99 each. Plus I used one of the $10 off coupons. These will be for my son for next winter.
I also had to check for myself, of course. As I had 2 more coupons I had to use...lol lol I ended up finding a pair of Capri Pants for myself for just $15.50 (after sale price and coupon savings of $10). I found another pair of Capri's and a light sweatshirt style jacket on clearance. I had a coupon for $10 off a $30 purchase and used it on these two items...so ending up paying just under $27. Pretty good deals if you ask me...especially for items we needed...if only you could the capris I have on now...you would agree!!Next we headed down the mall to KB Toys. I had signed my son up for their Kids Club and after you sign up online, they email you a $5 off any $5 purchase coupon. My son ended up picking out 2 Die Cast Lightening McQueen cars and we just had to pay $2.xx for them out of pocket!! Plus, I also got to use up the KB Giftcard with $1.08 on it that has been in my wallet for a long, long time!! Another great deal...plus he was so excited!!!
Then we headed over to Victoria's Secret...they had sent my hubby (Yes...he must be on their mailing list...lol lol) a coupon for a Free pair of Cotton Panties($7.50 value) . So of course, Ihad to pick them up...as I was passing it!
Then my little ones were getting a bit hungry after all the deal finding...lol lol So, I took him over to Auntie's Anne's Pretzels and we got 2 pretzels for just $2.38. Of course, I had a B1G1 Free coupon I used!!!! lol lol
To finish up a great day my sister and I took the kiddies to a local park to have a picnic lunch and to stay and play for a whileand enjoy the lovely day. It was a lot of fun for everyone!!! And a nice long nap was needed as soon as we got home. To much shopping and outside fun for the kiddies, I guess????
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:04 AM
Friday, April 18
31 Cent Scoop Night at Baskin Robbins....
To honor our American Firefighters participating Baskin Robbins stores will offer small ice cream scoops (2.5 oz.) for just 31 cents!!! Scoop Night is Wednesday April 30th from 5pm to 10pm.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:06 PM
My Rant About EveryDay with Rachael Ray Magazine....
It was about 5 months ago and I was checking out the cheap magazine subscriptions at Best Deal Magazines. I came across Everyday With Rachael Ray, it was a 2 year subscription for for $6.xx. I always like to watch her on TV...well I used too when I actually had time to watch TV...lol lol So I decided to order it...it was cheap enough, right.
Well, I started receiving the magazines about 8 weeks after I had ordered them. I started reading it and found a few recipes that caught my eye, showed hubby to see if he would eat them...and then started to experiment (referring to me in the kitchen!!) Well, the first recipe we tried was okay.....some type of flavored burger on fancy thick bread. (My personal description) Then we tried one of her her Reuben recipes...again it was okay...Not a lot of flavor, a bit expensive to make, just not to impressed. I thought maybe it was just hubby and I??? Maybe our taste buds were off? Maybe we were picking out the not-so-great recipes of hers?? Man, they looked so good on TV and in the magazine!!!!
Over the past 2 weeks we tried two more of her recipes from last months magazine. We tried this Tortellini with Peas recipe, and the Chicken Cattitore recipe with Orzo pasta. Guess what??? They were both not too good!!! Yes, in fact the Tortellini recipe had no flavor at all!!! Tasted like plain tortellini, actually...like we never spent time making a sauce for it. We ended up eating PB&J sandwiches that night for dinner, not kidding!!! I even trekked around to buy a few of the ingredients that I needed for the recipe (Parmesan cheese, Scallions, Tortellini Pasta). I was in the kitchen making it for about 45 minutes total. Bummer!!
Hubby was reluctant...but we tried the Chicken Cattitore last week....and it was tasteless as well!!! Maybe we just love flavor?? Although it is supposed to taste like something, right?? Hubby is a great cook....and he said before even making the recipe it seemed to be missing something. He was right...it was missing the tasty part!!!!
Well, needless to say when I receive my Rachael Ray Magazine this month...I will not even be opening it up!! It will just go right to the paper trash....and to think that I signed up for 2 Years....Yikes!!!!
Have you tried any of Rachael Recipes??? Or are we just a bit to critical??? (Hey, be nice, now!!) lol lol
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:08 AM
Labels: My Opinion
The Best Kiddies Plastic Tableware......
I remember when my son was first born and I had received so many baby forks, spoons, bowls, plates, and cups at my baby shower. Not to mention the free ones the baby food companies sent me as well. They were all great...and my little guy used them all for about the first 18 months or so and then he just got bigger........He could now eat a bit more, and it was time to move on up to the next size in tableware. Yes, he had graduated to toddlerware!!! lol lol

Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:03 AM
Labels: Kiddies
Thursday, April 17
ShopRite Sales Preview Starting Sunday.....
It's time to look ahead into next week sale at ShopRite...Here are a few of the highlights to stop in for....
-Klondike Ice Cream Bars (4to 6 count) $1.99 (Save $1.70)
-Froz Fruit Bars 6ct. box $1.99 (1/2 price)
-McCain Premium Potatoes $1.94 (1/2 price)
-Picksweet Veggies 11 to 16 oz. package $1.49 (1/2 price)
-Serviroli Pasta ......1/2 price (13 to 16 oz. package, excludes 4 Cheese)
-Top Round London Broil $1.99 a lb. (1/2 price)
-John Morrell Franks (1 lb. package) $.99 (1/2 price)
-ShopRite Imported Ham (from the Deli) $3.99 (1/2 price)
-40% off Tyson Fresh Poultry (excluding roasted and frozen)
Health and Beauty Aids
-Ban Invisible Deodorant $1.24 (1/2 price)*
-ShopRite 24 oz. Body Wash $1.99 (1/2 price)
-Marcal 12-Pack Paper Towels $5.99 (1/2 price)
-Wisk Laundry Detergent 80oz. bottle $3.33 (1/2 price)
-Marcal Napkins 250ct. $1.39 (1/2 price)
-Marcal Facial Tissues 3-ct. Package 240 sheets ct. package $1.49 (1/2 price)
-ShopRite Glass cleaner $1.19.....33oz. bottle (1/2 price)
-Wise Popcorn or Cheese Doodles 7.25 to 10 oz. bag $1.34 (1/2 price)
-Lays Potato Chips 11.5 to 13 oz bag, any variety (excluding baked and light)$1.74 (1/2 price)
-ShopRite White or Purple Grape Juice 1/2 gallon bottle $1.69 (1/2 price)
-Dole Salads......1/2 Price
-Yellow Onions 3lb. bag $.99 each (1/2 price)
See anymore great deals next week at ShopRite??? Let me know if I missed any!! Sale starts Sunday April 20th.
*Denotes coupons for item in this coming Sunday's Paper.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:39 PM
A Few Great Target Clearance Buys.....
Target is having a great Clearance sale going on now....and if you spend $50 or more in select departments shipping is FREE!!!! Here are just a few items I came across that were great bargains.....there are lots more too!!! You can see all the clearance they have here. Just be sure to look for the "Free Shipping " logo above the price to make sure it is an eligible item that ships for free!!
Boys' Mossimo Cargo Shorts for just $3.74 (save 75% off)
Toddler Boys' Cherokee Short-Sleeve Tee for just $1.24 (Save 75% off)
Toddler Boys' Nick & Nora Short-Sleeve Elephant Pajama Set for just $6.49 (Save 50% off).
Toddler Girls' Circo Ski Jacket in Gold for just $4.99 (Save 80% off) .
Infant Boys' Genuine Kids Short-Sleeve Woven Plaid Shirt just $3.99 (Save 50% off).
Let me know if you find any great clearance buys!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:59 AM
In the Mood to Read???
Well, if so you are in luck!! You can save 25% off one item either online or in-store now through April 21st at Barnes and Noble. You can access the online coupon here or to use the coupon in-store click here to print the coupon. Sorry, coupon is not valid on textbooks and gift card purchases or Barnes and Noble Memberships.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:24 AM
Wednesday, April 16
Add ShopRite to the Save on Generic Prescriptions List!!!
I just saw this on my Shop Rite circular for next week. Shop Rite now offers New Lower Prices on hundreds of Generic Drugs!! A 90-Day supply for just $11.99! They have over 300 commonly prescribed Generic Drugs at this low price. They are trying to make prescription drugs more affordable for the average consumer.
These require NO insurance, NO need to enroll, and NO age restrictions. And best of all fewer trips to the pharmacy for refills.
Check it out at at your local ShopRite Pharmacy or you can call them at 1-800-ShopRite.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:27 PM
Labels: Savings
A Phone Call Worth Making....
My son just loves to drink juice boxes when were are on the go....and I like them too!! They are very convenient when you are out and about when my little guy gets a bit thirsty. (Probably from all the stores I drag him too...lol lol) Plus, when we are way from home we do not have to worry about losing sippy cups.
I only let him have 100% juice ones....as they are a lot less sugar and a little better for him. I have to say there is a lot more flavor choices in junk juice (as I call it) then there are in 100% juice. I did notice that a few months ago Capri Sun started to make 100% juice pouches. Only 2 different varieties, but that's better than none, right??
I also noticed that Ssips brand came out with 100% Apple Juice recently too. I have been purchasing them since they have been on sale lately at Shop Rite. I decided to give the maker of Ssips (Johanna Foods)a call last week to see if they ever send out coupons?? I explained that my son loves the Ssips Apple Juice boxes and I would love to save a bit on purchasing them for him. The gentleman was very polite and said sure...he would send me few coupons out. I expected a couple $1 off coupons, or maybe even .50 cents off. He had asked for my info and guess what I received today?? Coupons for FREE 8 or 10 packs of Ssips juice packs...5 of them!!! Not too shabby for a 5 minute phone call. I am pretty excited!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:16 AM
My Linens N Things Trip.....
Well I headed out to LNT yesterday afternoon to use up my Gift Cards and made out pretty good. The place was pretty busy...I noticed a few other people in line with gift cards in hand as well....maybe I am not the only nervous one?? lol lol
-4- Bath Towels $20
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:21 AM
Tuesday, April 15
A Way To Save on Presciptions!!!
Yes, you read it right!! Today it always seems like everything is going up and up and up. Well, thanks to Walmart and Target you may just be able to save a little of your hard earned cash the next time you get a Generic Prescription!!
Walmart and Target now offer low cost Generic $4 (30-day supply) Prescriptions. Walmart has over 360 low-cot prescriptions all ready! They are trying to help lower health care costs for customers!! If you click here you can view the prescriptions they offer for $4. They are divided into categories to make it easier for you to locate your medication. They also give you the option to drop off your prescription in-store or you can print a form here and do mail order. Very convenient and easy too!!
If Target is easier for you to get too....they also offer a $4 Generic Prescription Plan (30-day supply). You can see the list of drugs they offer here. They are also organized by category to make it a bit easier for you. You can also refill online or in-store and transfer prescriptions online as well. Click here to find out more. Plus if you refill 10 Prescriptions at Target and use your Redcard, you qualify for a 10% off Target one-day shopping pass. They have over 1200 locations.
Also At Target Pharmacy they will add flavoring (for the kiddies!!) to any medicine for free!! Most places charge about $2.99 for this!!
Do you know of another great Pharmacy that offer low-cost generic prescriptions? Please let us know!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:36 AM
Labels: Savings
Do You Have a Linens N Things Gift Card???
If so maybe now is the time to use it. I read a very sad yet very interesting article late last night stating that Linens N Things is is big financial trouble! They have already hired a re-structuring firm and are now weighing their options for the future. They are supposed to file for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection sometime today.
What does this mean if you have a LNT Gift Card?? This makes you an unsecured creditor in the eyes of a bankruptcy court.....meaning you are low man on the totem pole to receive your money back for that unused gift card. (So head out and use it up...hurry!!!!)
It really is so sad....they are a great store...I shopped their about once a month and was always so happy with their customer service, the sparkling clean stores, and the many great products. I hope they find a miracle, I hate to see them go under.
So, I will be at LNT today to use up my gift card....Hey maybe I will see you there???
To read the whole article click here.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:00 AM
Labels: Shopping
Do You Use Online Coupons???
I was completely oblivious to online coupons codes up until my sister told me all about them a few years back....and to think back on all the money I could have saved!!! Darn! Now a days, I do not buy online without a coupon code or promo of some sort...unless it is an items that is significantly cheaper than anywhere else I can find, or I need that particular item ASAP.
Most online stores have a good amount of coupon codes out there because they want you to buy from them and feel like you are getting a great deal too!! There a quite a few sites out there that offer coupon codes for several different online stores.
Here are a few that I use.....
RetailMeNot- They have coupons code for more than 13,000 stores. The site is very easy to use...just type in the store you are looking to find a coupon for, enter it in the search box on the home page and if any coupons are available...they will pop right up. Most times several different coupons even pop up...so take a look at the one will save you the most!!!
Coupon Cabin- Right now they have over 3600 coupon codes & deals. This changes daily, of course. On this site you can search for coupons in the search box at the top of the page, or sort coupons by store or category. You can also sign up to receive Monday emails from them about the best coupons/deals they have going on currently (for free).
Coupon Code- They have great online deals for over a 1000 stores. This site is very user friendly...on the home page you can search for coupons, look through the Popular codes, Recent codes, Free shipping offers, and you can even compare product prices as well.
Naughty Codes- A great place to find secret discounts or coupon codes. Very simple to find codes here...just pick the store you are looking to find a code for in the drop down menu and up pops a new window with all the currents deals and codes.
Remember, all these sites are Free for customers looking for a codes/coupons!!
Just remember......
*Next time you go shopping online check for a promo code/coupon. Check at least 2 different coupon code websites to be sure you are getting the best deal.
*Also always remember to try and stack coupons....for instance at Kohl's they will allow you to use a free shipping code along with a % off coupon as well!! (It does not hurt to try!!)
*Make sure to check prices on the product you plan to buy at several different stores....maybe you can find it cheaper.
And most of all have fun shopping...and save a bit while you are at it!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
6:17 AM
Labels: Deals
Monday, April 14
Clearance Deals at Sears.....
I must admit I am not a frequent Sears shopper, and not because I do not like the store, simply because I just forget about them, really! Hubby loves their tool department though!! Well right now they are having a pretty good clearance sale going on thru May 1st, or while supplies last. The best part is to avoid shipping charges you can pick up most items in-store!! I just love that feature!!
I have 2 baby shower coming up...so I am on the lookout for baby items.....I came across these great baby deal while browsing today......-Baby Essentials Bib Multi-Pack on clearance for $4.99 (Reg. $9.98), My son would love this Cars Infant - 3 Piece Set.....if it fit him that is!!! lol lol And I love the price just $3.99 (Reg. $32.00).
In the Women's Department I found a ton of deals like this Apostrophe 3/4 Sleeve Brocade Jacket for just $8.99 (Reg. $72). They also have these Bold Spirit Short Sleeve V-Neck Tops from $2.24 (Reg. $16). They have many colors and sizes available too. These would be great for spring weather!!
Let me know what else you findgood, that I may have missed!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
12:53 PM
Need Letters for Your Baby Nursery???
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:09 AM
Labels: Kiddies