Apparently hubby has known this for years, as many years ago when we were just starting out on our own we had our fair share of hoopties...if you know what I mean!! LOL LOL Hubby was always under the hood on one of our cars fixing something!! Sometimes though he would need a certain tool to complete the job right that we did not have. If this was the case and the tool was expensive to purchase and not useful in other instances he would check AutoZone. Auto Zone has a free tool rental program..they rent over 60 speciality tools for many different automotive tasks free of charge!! All you do is leave a deposit, borrow the tool, then return it for a full refund of the deposit.
Saturday, May 31
Free Tool Rental.....
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:44 AM
Labels: Freebies
Friday, May 30
Pay With Paypal & Save....
Do you have a PayPal Account? Do you like to use it while shopping online? I must admit I do have one, but rarely use it as much as I used too. (Ebay is just not what it used to be!!)lol lol I did use it back around the winter holidays...when PayPal was offering a big discount at Shoe Buy if you paid with Paypal....something like $20 off a $50 purchase. That was a great deal for me to buy 2 Christmas presents while saving a good amount too!!
Well, PayPal is once again offering discounts if you purchase using PayPal at certain online sites. The discounts range from Free Shipping to money off your purchase. Hey every little bit helps, right!!
For a complete list of all the discounts being offered at certain sites click here.
Happy Savings:-)
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:39 PM
Do You Hang Dry Your Clothes??
There are just some things you follow in your mother's footsteps, I guess in this instance that saying is so true!! I remember as a kid I thought it was so crazy that my mom choose to hang dry the laundry verses using the dryer. I always thought to myself...then why do we even have a dryer....if for each load we only let the clothes dry in it for just 5 minutes or so???
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:03 AM
Labels: Cleaning
Summer Clearance at Bath & Body Works.......
That's right....Starting Monday Bath & Body works is having their annual Summer Clearance Sale starting June 2nd threw June 15th. I just love to pick up a few things during their great summer sale...just to have on hand for all those July and August Birthday's coming up. It is great to mix in a few Bath & Body Works items with a gift card Ito a store I know they will love in a nicely wrapped basket.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
6:57 AM
Thursday, May 29
My Quick CVS Run....
Well I ran in to CVS today to get my Playskool you all know I love them...and even more when they are at a great price.....LOL LOL
Since I already made a quick run this weekend for the 2-Day Sale...I just ran in for the diapers today. This is what I bought:
I had the following coupons:
-1- 1.00/1 Playskool Product (from a previous package of Playskool wipes I bought)
-1- 2.50 off any CVS purchase (from my receipt from Sunday's trip)
-1- $6.00 in Extra Bucks (from the Revlon Nail Polish I purchased on Sunday)
-1- $2.00/1 Playskool Diapers coupons from here.
I ended up with 104 diapers (2 mega packs) for just $10.48....Plus I got back $5 in Extra Bucks too!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:14 PM
Frozen Cocktail Buckets.....Perfect For Those Summer BBQ's
Ahh...Yes the warm weather is now upon us...and you know what that means....lots of summer BBQ's!! About 3 years ago I was at a summer BBQ and they had the best Apple Martini's I have ever tasted!! (Well the best out of the 3 I have ever tried, anyway...LOL LOL) So, to find the answer to my curiosity I asked how they made them. I was surprised to learn that they were made very easily using pre-made Cocktail Buckets made by Desert Pepper Trading Co. The great perks of the buckets are that all the ingredients are included except for the bottle of liquor. All you do is add the liquor (some take rum, vodka, etc.), some water and freeze. That's it!! Well, and maybe add a cherry for looks....and a straw for sipping...LOL LOL
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:06 AM
Labels: Tips
Great Uses For Newspaper.....
Have a stack of newspaper at the end of the week?? Clueless as to what to do with it besides recycling it?? Here are a few great uses for it.....
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:18 AM
Wednesday, May 28
Are You An Overstock Shopper??
I am a huge fan of Overstock....I have purchased many, many items from their site over the years and have yet to be disappointed! I have purchased a couple sheet sets, a coffee table, a bedding set, a shower curtain, and a few gifts for people as well. The main perk of Overstock is that they offer $2.95 shipping for you entire order!! Even the coffee table we purchased was just $2.95 to ship!! They are also known for their closeouts.....and because of this they get new items each and every day.
They have a wide variety of items from bedding to furniture and everything in between. It is always a great place to check when you are looking to find the best price on an item. Upon browsing if you see something you like use promo code 130344 for an extra 10% off. Coupon code is valid until June 16th.
Have you shopped Overstock in the past??
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:20 PM
Cleaning Out...
How is it that over the course of just 1 season...we have accumulated so much stuff?? I can remember clear as day cleaning out closets, drawers, toy boxes, etc. just last fall. Yesterday as I attempted to put my sons movies away, I realized that it is just way to full to even stick in one more DVD!!! I decided that it was time to time clean out ..not only the movie bins, but the bathroom closet, hall closet, a few kitchen cabinets, the toy bins, and even try to organize the attic a little better.
I try to make the kiddies part of the cleaning action...this way as to not make it seem like a day of dreaded cleaning!!! The kiddies loved helping take things out of the closets and toy bins....My Little Man, actually asked when we can do it again?? They thought it was so much fun...making a big mess in the middles of the floor!! They however, did not help with the organizing and putting things they seemed to have disappeared by that point...Can you blame them??
I always try to move out the old when the new comes in.....but it is not always how it works!! Sometimes, My Little Man is just not always ready to part with those PJ's that look like high waters on him just yet.....Yikes!!! And being an understanding mom....I let them hang around a bit longer until he agrees...he looks like he is awaiting a flood!! LOL LOL
We have just a bit more cleaning out to do....we will get to it I am positive whenever I get to will still be there!! Unless your volunteering to help??
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:57 AM
Labels: Cleaning
Freebies, Freebies...Who Likes Freebies????
Happy Wednesday to you!! Well the good news is the week is half over...the better news is that I came a across a few free samples to share......Enjoy!!
Dove Hair Care Sample-great for those summer trips!!
Arm & Hammer Toothpaste Sample-with baking soda.
Gillette Body Wash- It's new...great for Hubby!!
Excedrin- The pain stops...You Don't!!
Purex Laundry Detergent Sample- Can never have enough!! LOL LOL
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:21 AM
Tuesday, May 27
Bring Your Own Bags And Save....
I had to make a quick run yesterday into ShopRite for some last minute goodies for a picnic we were attending and I noticed a sign by the registers as I was checking out. ShopRite now offers 5 cents for each cotton/canvas re-usable grocery bag that you reuse and fill up with groceries. You can purchase these re-usable bags almost anywhere now from around .99 cents...I have also seen some given away for free on a few occasions too...i.e. Macy's on Earth Day, etc.
The re-usable bags are also great for library trips too!! Each week when we make the trip and My Little Man picks out about 5 books, a movie, and a computer game placing them all in the re-usable shopping bag is a great convenience!! Trust me pushing a stroller, holding a purse, and carrying books not in a bag is a huge challenge...Believe me I have experienced it more than once!! LOL LOL
I just keep a few re-usables in my trunk....and then whenever, wherever I need one I always have it!! They are a great for helping the environment and sometimes you can even get paid for using them too!!
ShopRite still does offer the 2 cents back for the plastic or paper bags you re-use as well.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:17 PM
To Keep the House Clean.....
This weekend, as we always do once a year we spent Sunday power washing the house. I must is a time consuming, not so fun job...but the pay-off is good for only a days worth of work! LOL LOL Hubby and I take not to get too wet and worn-out....even though he really does most of the work!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:15 AM
Labels: Household
Free Forsythia......
My Nana has a huge yard with tons and tons of beautiful plants, bushes, annuals, perennials, and much more. If she ever she has a plant or bush she wants to get rid of......she knows to give me a call and most times I will take it off of her hands. Just the other day I was chatting on the phone with her and she mentioned that she needed 2 Forsythia taken out as they were just too crowded in the spots that they were in. She asked me if I had a spots for them?? And I you all know we are painting our shed this weekend and I have always wanted to plant a few bushes along the side of it to hide it a bit. Even though it will be freshly painted...bushes are still so much nicer to look at!!!
So just the other day I ran over and dug them out....with the help of My Little Man, of course !!! He is such a great little helper!! And here they are.....not planted yet....but will by the end of the week!!!
I am so excited....I think that they will look great next spring when they get nice yellow flowers all over them!!! I cannot wait!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:03 AM
Labels: Gardening
Monday, May 26
My Quick CVS Run....
I just ran in quickly to CVS late last night to cash in on the 2-Day Sale Deals that caught my eye in the circular. Here is what I bought......
-2- Revlon Nail Polishes $3.99 each (You earn $3 ExtraBucks for each one you purchase)
-4- 2-liters of Pepsi Products B1 @$1.69 G1 FREE
I had the following coupons:
-2- $2 off ANY Revlon Product (from last Sunday's coupon inserts...using this coupon and combining the $3 you earn in ExtraBucks means you make a profit of $1.01!!!)
So I paid just $8.16 including tax.....and got back $6.00 in ExtraBucks!! I will be sure to roll those over to the Playskool deal later on in the week!! LOL LOL
The 2-Day Sale ends today, if you'd like to catch it...better hurry!!
Happy Memorial Day to You!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:13 AM
Sunday, May 25
Playskool Diapers...Now Is The Time to Try Them!!
If you would like to give Playskool diapers a's the time. This week (satrting today)they are on sale at CVS for $10.99 a jumbo pack....and when you buy 2 packs you will receive $5 back in ExtraBucks!!!
Thanks to S.B. at Be Thrifty Like Us for finding this $2 off Playskool diapers coupon to print out here to save even more......just click on special offers at the top of the page then scroll will see the $2 off coupon. Just click and print.
*You can only use one of these coupons per transaction...As last time I tried to use 2 of these coupons, the register beeped and they would not take the second coupon even though I had purchased 2 packs!!*
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:22 AM
Playskool Diapers from CVS....Worked For Us!!
I purchased 2 packs of Playskool diapers about a month ago at CVS. They were on sale and I had some coupons for I bought 2 packs to give them a try. They are regularly a bit expensive at about $14 a pack. They only sell Playskool diapers in Mega packs....which are larger than the normal jumbo packs. I am a huge fan of the Playskool baby I figured the diapers would be great too!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:51 AM
Labels: Kiddies
Saturday, May 24
Old Navy Memorial Day Sale......
Old Navy is having their Annual Memorial Day Sale....Up to 40% off Select Items and Styles.....They have lots of items for $5, $10, and $15. Don't forget to check the Bargains sections for the best deals!!!!
Old Navy has also just changed their shipping policy as you can shop at Old Navy, Banana Republic, Piperlime, and Gap and just check out once....and pay ONLY one flat rate shipping fee of $7......sorry to say that the former $5 flat rate shipping fee is now over..Boo Hoo!!!
There is also a coupon code for 15% off of on item if you use your Old Navy card......just enter code MKZF3BGBPQ1 at checkout. Code expires May 28th.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
12:02 PM
Babies R Us Coupon.......
Posted by
Miss Mommy
6:51 AM
Friday, May 23
Perks of Joining of the Home Depot Gardening Club.....
Are you into gardening?? Do you love to get tips, great deals on plants, and landscaping ideas to spruce up your yard?? Well then you are in luck...... The Home Depot has a Gardening Club that you can join and they will send you all kinds of coupons, tips, ideas, and more to help keeping your outside looking great!! They send an email out every other week..... This week one of the coupons they emailed was for a FREE shrub when you buy 1 at regular price!!! Great Deal!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:50 PM
Are Your Kiddies Big Juice Drinkers??? Little Man is!! Oh and so is Little Miss when she gets a hold of Little Man's cup she does not put it down until the juice is her belly that is!!! She can spot a juice cup miles away!!! LOL LOL I am a stickler when it comes to juice for My Little Man....when he does drink it, it must be 100% juice....not a fan of junk juice for him (my lingo for Kool Aid, etc.)!! Along with everything else in the grocery store lately the price juice has really sky-rocketed!! I remember just a short time ago when My Little Man was younger I could get Apple juice on sale for just $.99 almost every week. Those days are long gone unfortunately, but this week Acme has a great deal on Juicy Juice!!!
Starting today Acme has Juicy Juice (100% juice) Buy 1 Get 1 FREE!!! Plus there was a coupon a few weeks back in the Sunday coupon inserts for $1.00/ any 2 Juicy Juice products!!! So if you have the coupon and get a chance to go you can get 2 bottles of Juicy Juice for just $3.29!!! That works out to be just $1.65 a bottle!!! An awesome deal!!! I am definitely going to stock up....luckily I have about 8 coupons....thanks to my friends and family!!
*The sale starts today and runs threw Thursday May 29th.*
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:02 AM
Giving Great Chairs a New Clean Look.....
My sister has a great kitchen is not that old and is in great condition (and no, I am not just saying this because I purchased it for her) LOL LOL.....just the seat cushions are a bit worn and stained. I can relate she has two kiddies under chair covers tend to take a beating...lots of spilled ice-cream, pudding, ketchup, etc. She was considering buying a new set...but then I had mentioned to her about re-covering the chair cushions......
So guess what she called me yesterday morning....and guess what we did yesterday during nap time??? Re cushioned all her chairs!! It was very easy to do....and took only about an hour.
The cost.......just $4.00 for the $4 for the staples for the staple gun.....OH yeah wait a minute.....I forgot she bought nails for the staple gun!!! That's my sister...LOL LOL Not to worry...the nails actually fit the staple gun...thanks to it being a nail gun/staple gun. I do recommend staples though...for anyone that tries re cushioning chair covers!!!
Here is the before picture:
Here is the after picture:
Not bad for just $8.00 and an hour of our time!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:33 AM
Labels: Savings
Thursday, May 22
Memorial Day...Are you Painting This Weekend??
It always happens to us......every year. We always have a picnic or 2 to attend over the long weekend, and we also always end up doing a home improvement project as well. Why make this year an exception?? This weekend we are going to attempt to paint our, if you could only see it, you would agree 110%!!! Not to worry, I will be sure to take before and after shots of you can see what I am talking about!!!

Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:10 PM
My Macy's Trip...Sucessful Savings!!!
I am a huge fan of Macy's....yes they can be very expensive...but if you shop there the way I really can get some great deals!! I am not a huge credit card user at fact I rarely use them! The only times I do are when I purchase things online or if there is a discount or savings for me to take advantage of it I do use a credit card to pay. I signed up for a Macy's card many years ago after my mom informed me that is how she gets all those great money-savings coupons....for beoing a Macy's cardholder they periodically mail you out coupons and offers. I thought sure why not!
So just last week Macy's sent me out a letter with 4 coupons attached that are valid until mid-July. I thought today while I had to run to the mall anyway, I would pop in to see just what could find at Macy's...if anything. I only shop the Clearance that is where the best deals are to be had!! Needless to say that I am a very quick shopper at most stores...since I only really look at a fraction of the merchandise. I do browse and check out non-clearanced items on occassion that I like...only to return later to see if they are clearanced yet. It's kind of like a game.....a fun game too!! I only made it threw the women's department Little Miss was not to into shopping at all today!! LOL LOL
This is what I purchased......
-2- Pair of Misses Flare Jeans
-2- Style & Company ShirtsEverything was on clearance PLUS I had a $10 off $30 purchase I paid just $24.98 for everything!!!! Not too bad for two outfits, right??
You can pretty much shop anywhere and find great just have to know your prices, have coupons, be patient, ...and look for the clearance signs!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:10 AM
Steve and Barry's...Have You Been??
Steve and Barry opened up a college retail store many years ago selling college logo items right outside big colleges offering cheaper prices on virtually the same items!! It caught on big and they have now extended the idea to a retail clothing line....they offer prices cheaper than even Walmart!!!! They have over 260 stores worldwide with more to come.
They can offer such cheap prices because they do not advertise via regular Tv ads, billboards, etc. They instead choose to offer their products to an athlete, or well known celebrity to wear and use to show that they do have great product for under $10!! And that includes sneakers as well!!! They also do not sell online, only in-store to cut costs. And if you only could of seen their offices.....they have a old couch from their grandmother's basement in the waiting room!!! LOL LOL
I checked to see if they have a store not too far from me, and it is about 25 minutes away. On our travels now that I know it is day I am sure we will stop in and see what we can find!!! It seems like I store fit just for me!!!! LOL LOL
If you would like to read the whole article click here to view.
Have you ever been to Steve and Barry's?? Did you like the store? Would you go back?? I would love to hear your feedback!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:32 AM
Wednesday, May 21
Rotating Toys...It's a Great Thing!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:21 PM
Labels: Kiddies
My Quick CVS Run......
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:09 AM
Tents...Lots of Fun for The Kiddies!!!
When my Little Man was just "1" he received a Thomas the Train tent for his one of his birthday presents. I can still remember to this day how Cool he thought it was to get inside of it and hide then lift the flap and see me and his Daddy on the outside!! He also had lots of fun sleeping in in as he got a little older too......Wow!!! How I can remember how this tent made nap time so much easier in the terrible two's nap time hours!!!! I cannot even begin to tell you the love I had for it!!! LOL LOL
Not to worry we still have the trusty Thomas tent to this my Little Miss is just as much in love with it as my Little Man was..... Now it is my Little Miss who goes into Little Man's closet and pulls out Thomas to have Little Man set it up for her to play in. She gets so excited!!!
If you are lacking a tent in your home.....right now K.B. Toys has this Spider-Man tent on sale for just $12.99 (down from $34.99) plus it ships for Free!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:18 AM
Tuesday, May 20
Are You Cutting Back on Groceries???
I read this article yesterday about more and more people shopping for today verses stockpiling groceries like in the past. People do not like having to spend $4 on a gallon of milk...none the less having to spend $8 at one time for 2 gallons that will last threw the week. So now they get a gallon today...and wait to spend the extra cash for the second gallon until the 1st is gone. Do you agree with this?? Do you think buying for today will help to save you money on your grocery bill??
I am a bit torn by the article myself. I do agree that you should try your hardest not to have food go to waste or spoil. But I also think that if there is a great sale on an item that use regularly...stock up while the price is low...this was you will save by not having to pay full price next week, or the week after when you run out. For example at our local ShopRite if you buy 2 gallons of milk at a time you get a $1.00 discount. So then why wouldn't you buy 2 as long as you know you will use them, right?? Also what about all the gas you will be wasting by making multiple weekly trips to the grocery store?? Not to mention the time you are wasting. Ohh and for me some pretty unhappy kids as well!!! LOL LOL
They also mention companies coming out with smaller sized containers/packaging. You just have to be sure to check the price per unit as they mention. And it does not always mean the larger the size the better the deal!! So please be careful...and read the labels!!! Or just shop the sales...and you will be in good shape with this as well!!!
Shopping sales, using coupons, and being an organized well-informed shopper is your best best in my opinion to save on your grocery bill. But be the judge yourself, you can read the full article here.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
1:45 PM
Labels: Grocery
Vacation Time is Here......8 Great Ways to Save!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:05 AM
A Bottle of Ketchup 4 Just 42 Cents......
If you have a little one like my Little go threw a lot of ketchup!! Ketchup on fries, ketchup on chicken, ketchup on ham, ketchup on a hot dog, ketchup on on a taco...and the list goes on and on....Do not even get me started on the ranch dressing.....LOL LOL
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:20 AM
Labels: Deals
Monday, May 19
Taking Dad Out on Father's Day??
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:07 AM
Labels: Freebies
A Magazine Freebie......
Posted by
Miss Mommy
9:40 AM
Payless....Have You Shopped There Lately???
I must admit.....I have not been inside a Payless shoe store in about 5 years. The last time I was in one I was rather disappointed with the selection and the prices seemed a tad steep for off-brand shoes!! So I have not ventured in a Payless store in quite a long time. Then about 3 weeks ago while at the hair salon I noticed how adorable my stylists shoes I asked he where she got them from. She said "Payless"..... WOW!! I was shocked...they were so adorable!!!
So then about 2 weeks ago I was online and decided to check out the Payless website. My daughter was in need a pair of summer sandals, and I could use a new pair of brown summer shoes as well. They were having their Buy One Get One 1/2 half promotion so I started browsing around to see what I could find. I noticed that they now seemed to carry brand named items as well as their own brands as well. They carry brands such as Champion, Airwalk, American Eagle, Dexter, and more. They were also running a special that if you spend $50 you can get free shipping to your home. (So of course I had to get the free shipping!!) LOL LOL Or you have the option of ordering online and then you can pick-up for Free in-store when your order arrives.
I decided to get a pair of sneakers for my daughter as well as pair of sandals. I also got 2 pair of casual slip-ons for myself for the summer. Shipping took about 7 days to arrive, and I was very pleased with the shoes...all of them!!! They are very comfortable, very affordable (with the sale and all), and very nice looking!! The first day my daughter wore her sneakers she got a did I twice with the one pair of my slip-ons!!!
I did notice that not all stores carry all the same the one pair of sandals I purchased for my daughter were a little too big. So I called around to my local Payless stores to see which store carried that exact sandal and had her size in stock. One of our local stores had them so I just made the exchange in-store very quickly. If none of my local stores had the sandal in the right size....I could of just returned the pair to any Payless store, and Payless would of sent me the correct ones from their warehouse via the mail.
Right now, Payless has a coupon out for $10 off a $50 purchase...and if you spend $50 you qualify for Free Shipping too!! Just use code 50001 at checkout!! Right now they have their Summer Preview Sale going on!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:29 AM
Labels: Deals, My Opinion
Sunday, May 18
Keep Your Eyes Peeled....
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:05 AM
My Acme Trip...A Good One!!!
-5- 2 liters of Coke Products $1 each
-2- 1.00/1 Wild Harvest Product (these coupons were in last Sunday's coupon inserts)
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:53 AM
Saturday, May 17
Are You a Cheap Taco Lover???
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:42 AM
Labels: Deals
Friday, May 16
Tons of Diaper Clearance At Acme!!!
I made a quick run into Acme tonight and noticed that they had a 2 large tables filled with baby Diapers clearance!!! Brands included Pampers Baby Dry, Pampers Feel N Learns (boys and girls), Huggies, and Acme Brand (I cannot remember the exact name). They had sizes 1,2, 5 and 6. Of course no size 3 or 4's the size I need...Grr!! lol lol The jumbo packs were priced at $5.49...the bigger packs (megas) at $8.49. Not sure how much the Acme brand was..there was no price on the stickers. Not sure if this is every Acme...but if you go...remember to check it out!!! The tables were located in the back of the store near the milk and eggs.
Let me know if you strike gold!!!!
**I will post my Acme trip tomorrow...stay was a good one!!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
8:47 PM
Great Deal on Preschool Playroom Magazine...Today ONLY!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
1:18 PM
Check You Stimulus Check Amount......
You may be short-changed.....that's right!! The IRS had admitted to a flaw of sending money to the wrong accounts!! They have also admitted to overlooking a whole bunch of the $300 child refunds as well!! WOW!!! This is terrible for people who are anxiously awaiting a nice deposit in their account!!! Not too worry...the IRS is working to send you the money you are due...just will take a bit more time!! You can read here to find out more!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
10:36 AM
Labels: Money
Time For ShopRite's Preview...Starts Sunday
Last week ShopRite had barely anything on sale at all. It was so bad I did not even make the trip. Thank goodness this week is a bit better with a few deals I will be heading in for........especially for the Big Memorial Day Weekend!!! Here are a few great buys I came across.....
----Memorial Day Specials---
*Yellow Corn .19 an ear
*Tyson Chicken Breasts $1.99 a lb.
*Pepsi 12-packs 5 for $10
*Twin Pack London Broil $1.79 a lb.
Dairy & Meats
*Ball Park Beef Franks $1.49 a pack (12.8 oz to 1 lb. packages)
*Land O Lakes Singles .99 (12 oz. package)
*Swiss Miss Puddings Cups (24 oz. any variety) $1.74
Oscar Mayer Fresh Deli Singles $1.99 (4.6 oz. package)@
*Marcal 12pk. Paper Towels $5.99
*Hefty Foam Plates $1.19 (25 to 60 count) @
*Hefty Gripper Bags $2.39 (20 count box) @
*Electrosol GelPacs $2.34 (20 count box) @
*Marcal Napkins $1.39 (250 count)
*Arnold Whole Grain Classics Bread $1.94 a loaf
*D'Italiano or Maier's Bread (20oz. loaf) $1.59
Health & Beauty and Baby
Huggies Diapers $8.99 Jumbo Pack @
*Gold Bond Medicated Foot Powder (4 oz.) $1.99 @
*Osteo Bi-Flex $7.49 (40 or 50 count) @
*ShopRite Veggies 4 for $5 (20 oz package, any variety)
@ - Denotes coupon coming out in this Sunday's Coupon inserts
@ - Denotes coupon was in previous weeks Sunday Coupon inserts
Red- Denotes item is half price!!!!
Sale starts Sunday May 18th and ends Saturday May 24th. Did I miss any good ones??? Please let me know!!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:33 AM
Thursday, May 15
Are You An Gardener??
Well, I just love planting in my yard....especially all the pretty annuals that I plant each spring to enjoy looking at until late October. I not only plant in my yard, but I also plant a few pots for my front & back patios as well. I used to use regular potting mix for all the pots, but a few years ago when I was looking around the Garden Department for Miracle Gro I saw that they also make Miracle Gro Potting Mix. The bag read that the mixture feeds plants and prevents weeds.
The following spring I decided that I was going to give the Miracle Gro Potting Mix a try for the season. It is a bit more expensive than regular potting mix, but it also eliminates the need for you to have to feed your annuals all summer long. As this was a major plus for you are supposed to feed your annuals every couple of weeks...and I would always forget too. lol lol This way with the potting mix I could just plant, water daily and watch them grow. I really liked the idea!!
Well, about 5 years later...I am a big-time Miracle Gro Potting mix fan. I even place a little of the mix in each hole of the annuals that I plant around my yard as well!!! I could not believe just how great this potting mix was. My annuals really grew larger with less work!!! My mom was a skeptic of the Miracle Gro mix at first....but after she saw just how well it worked, she too became a huge fan!!!
If you have yet to give it a should. It says it feeds for about 3-4 months, but for me it lasts threw the whole season, as I have never had to Miracle Gro anything I have planted in it. In this past Sunday's newspaper coupon inserts (Redplum) there was a coupon for $2.00 off Miracle Gro Moisture Control Potting mix good at Home Depot.
Have you used Miracle Gro Potting Mix already?? What was your take on it??
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:08 PM
Labels: My Opinion
My Trip to Target....
I have had this coupon in my purse for about a month I decided to take a trip to Target yesterday to take advantage of it!! About a month ago in the Sunday coupon inserts was a coupon for $5 off a variety of products when you buy 5 of the items listed. It was a Target coupon so you can combine it with Manufacturer's coupons to save even more!!
*2 Packs of StayFree ($2.84 each)
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:35 AM
This Is Called Coupon Clipping Slacking....
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:01 AM
Labels: Coupons
Wednesday, May 14
A Few Freebies For You...Happy Wednesday!!!
Free Fragerance Sample of DeSeo by Jennifer Lopez
Free Fruit & Shine Recipe Book from Sun maid Raisins with lots of unique recipes inside!!
Reinvent Your Water...Instantly....Enjoy a delicious, refreshing drink in seconds. Just add one stick to a 16.9 fl oz bottle of water and shake it well. Choose from one of the following Free sample packets.....Kool Aid, Crystal Light, or Country Time.
Ban Deoderant Free Sample...Never let them smell your fear!
Free Sample of Tide with Dawn Stain Scrubbers!
Free Aquaphor....Serious skin car for the serious athlete.
Posted by
Miss Mommy
3:06 PM
When A Baby Is On The Way.....
I received an email yesterday from a reader just yesterday and she ask me for a bit of advice. She and her hubby are expecting a baby in a few months and she cannot wait to be a stay-at-home mom!! She asked me to share any tips that I may have to help her to start to save a bit of money here and there on the you all know every little bit saved helps, right??
So I have been thinking??? Where do I begin??? I will start simple.....
1. Shop the Grocery Sales.....She said she is a loyal Acme shopper! Now, do not get me wrong, Acme is not a horrible place, it's a lovely, clean store....but the prices are very high...and their sales are not so hot!! Yes, I do run to Acme about once a month to pick up a few great deals they have....but as far as doing my weekly grocery shop...Acme is not the place!!! Shop Rite is in her area and well worth the extra few minute drive to get too....and the sales are way, way better!!
2. Start packing lunches!!! This can save some big bucks over time!! No, I am not saying to never eat out for lunch ever again....geez that would just be mean of me!!! lol lol But start reducing the amount of days you and hubby buy lunch out. If you are spending $10 a day on lunch and you just cut out 3 days a week, you could save $120 a month!! Just imagine the savings if you take lunch 5 days a week?? Tempting, right??
3. Sign up for the Sunday Newspaper..... This is where you will get the great coupons you need to save on those weekly shopping trips!!! Click here to find the best deal on your local Sunday newspaper.
4. Start CVS-ing......This is the best place to get diapers, health & beauty items, and many other FREE after Extra Bucks items as well!!! Watch out's addictive!!!
5. Know your prices....she had mentioned that when she needs an item...she buys it as long as there is a sale tag in front of the item on the shelf. I recommended to her to start a price book....this way you will know if X item that is on sale is a good deal or not!!
6. Get Veggies, flowers, and fruit at Produce Junction....this is a great way to save on fresh produce as well as eggs, yes....they sell eggs there too!!
Do you have any other great tips to offer.......Please share any tips, she would be ever so grateful!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
11:09 AM
Labels: Savings
Kraft Bagel Fuls.......We tried them!
About 3 weeks ago in the Sunday coupon inserts there was a coupon for $1.00 off a package of New Kraft Bagel Fuls. So I waited until they went on sale...which they did 2 for $4...and I purchased a box for just $1 to give them a try! We are a bagel lovin' family let me just tell you!! I purchased the Whole Grain Bagel Fuls with Regular cream cheese (Philadelphia brand). They are supposed to make breakfast fast and for under 200 calories and less than 6grams of fat! We just had to try them out!! Fast and better for you...reeled me in...I must admit!!
On a busy weekend morning as we were heading out the door, I had mentioned the Bagel Fuls for breakfast that I had purchased , so we decided to give them a try. I took the box out of the fridge...opened it up to find 4 nice sized (2.5 oz.) Bagel Fuls.... each pre-wrapped. They looked very fresh and scrumptious!! I opened up 3 out of 4 and popped 1 of them into the microwave as stated on the box, and left the other two the box states you can eat this way as long as you had them in the refrigerator. You may also store them in the freezer for longer use if you'd like too. It also says that you can toast them in the toaster oven (probably the optimal way)...but we are lacking one of those!!
Upon first bite, the bagel seemed a bit chewy.....the bagel was plum filled with cream cheese from one side to the other...but it just tasted a little funny to me. Not as creamy as regular cream cheese does out of the container or brick. My Little Man...was a bit excited about the cool new bagel...but upon taking his first BIG bite he said "This tastes yucky Mom". I would have to agree with him 100%!! We were all thinking that it would taste like a regular bagel...however it does not at all.
I suppose we should of expected a little different taste than a regular bagel with cream cheese being that it was pre-made...but with a name like Bagel Fuls...can you blame us?? All I have to say is good thing I only used one of my 5 coupons and purchased only 1 box. I will be passing on the rest of my coupons along with the extra Bagel ful in my fridge to someone else. Yes, Bagel Fuls are a convenient on-the-go breakfast option.....but we will be more than happy to spend the extra 5 minutes heating up a regular bagel and spreading on some cream cheese ourselves!!! It is well worth the taste we have grown to love !!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
7:04 AM
Labels: My Opinion
Tuesday, May 13
All You Magazine.....
I have previously posted about my love for All You's a great source for everyday info, tips, and savings deals as well as a having awesome money savings coupons too!! This month in All You Magazine (June issue, pink/yellow cover with flowers in a glass) they have a coupon for a FREE Adidas 3 deodorant (2.8 oz.) and a FREE pack of Kids Tums. Never knew kids even needed Tums, but hey you learn something new everyday, right?? Anyway if you use the FREE Adidas coupon from the magazine and buy it at will pay nothing out of pocket for the deodorant PLUS you will get $4.99 Extra Bucks back for it is a monthly CVS deal (Ends last day of May).
This month they have the following coupons in the magazine.....
Aquafina Advanced Hydration RX Skincare (premium bath products) FREE wyb 2 Aquafina ALIVE 6-pack Aquafina
ALIVE 6-pack FREE wyb 2 Aquafina Advanced Hydration RX Skincare (premium bath products)
35 cents off of Arm & Hammer Odor Eliminator Powder or Spray
50 cents off Baker's Dipping Chocolate
$1 Brilliant Brunette and Sheer Blonde
50 cents off Cheerios Snack Mix
$3 Citrucel Soft Chews
$1.50Colgate Total Advanced
$1 Frizz Ease
$2 Glade Car Scented Oil Holder
$2 off 1 2-pk. or 2 one-pks. of Glade Plug-ins Scented Oil refills
$1.50 Greased Lightning
$1/2 Healthy Choice Panini
$1 Hershey's Bliss
$1 Kellogg's All-Bran
$2 Kibbles 'n Bits
$1 Kotex
$1 Lean Cuisine Seafood
$1 Nature Made Soft gel
$2 Nature Made Twin Pack
$1 Oust
$1.50 Pedigree Snacks
$1. POM
$1 PURE Dog Shampoo
$1 PURE Dog Freshener
$3 ReadyFiber
$1 Sani Hands for Kids
$7 Scrubbing Bubbles Shower Cleaner
$2 Scrubbing Bubbles Shower Cleaner Refill
55 cents off Sea Breeze
$1 White Cloud Napkins
$2Windex Auto Glass and Interior
$2 Ziploc Bags $1/2
The newsstand price for All You is just went up from $1.97 to $2.49 an can be found at Walmart by the check-out lanes. Walmart does discount the magazine to $2.24 an issue. Or you can subscribe for a year (10 issues) here for just $10.00, or $1.00 an even better deal!!
Posted by
Miss Mommy
2:56 PM
Labels: Deals